Repositorio de Prácticas
Labor mobility pathways for persons with humanitarian needs in Mexico
Secondary GCM Objectives
Tipo de práctica
The lack of options for migratory regularization in Mexico is a pressing issue that leaves few alternatives for people who arrive in the country as part of mixed flows aside from seeking asylum through the Government’s asylum-seeking procedures. As a direct consequence, the asylum system managed by the Mexican Refugee Commission (COMAR) is over-burdened and saturated, putting at risk the asylum process for those people in need of international protection. This is problematic for vulnerable populations, such as people of Haitian origin, as they face limited options to access a regular immigration status in Mexico. Challenges such as limited absorption capacity of the first-reception communities, organized crime, and the lack of access to public services and employment opportunities, increase the vulnerability of people of Haitian origin.
Within the framework of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration, complementing the Global Compact on Refugees, IOM and UNHCR are piloting an innovative joint project to facilitate the socio-economic inclusion of vulnerable Haitians. The pilot project seeks to pave the way toward migration regularization for those who do not seek asylum but want to stay in Mexico. In this first phase (January-July 2022), 50 households, with family members of working age who have been identified in Tapachula and Ciudad Acuña, will be supported in their regularization processes in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Migration Institute.
The project encompasses actions facilitating the issuance of TVRH (visitor’s card on the ground of humanitarian assistance) and CURP (individual national registry number) to the selected individuals and their families; providing language and labor rights training; and supporting their access to formal employment, education, and health services, so that vulnerable Haitians can rebuild a dignified and productive life in Mexico, contributing to the local economy and the communities that host them.
Principales organizaciones implementadoras
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Organizaciones asociadas/donantes
Beneficio e impacto
Due to the pilot’s success, ongoing negotiations are taking place with the European Union to finance a second phase of the project, expanding the beneficiaries’ profile, as well as the number of states where the project is implemented. This project is expected to have an impact at the policy level by adopting alternative migration regularization pathways.
Lecciones clave
Recomendaciones(para replicar)
The project can be scalable in other countries in Latin America as they share similar challenges in this matter. Lessons learned from this pilot could therefore support project design and implementation in other countries.
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*Todas las referencias a Kosovo deben entenderse en el contexto de la Resolución 1244 [1999] del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.
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