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En partenariat avec le Migration Research Hub (pôle de recherche sur la migration) du réseau IMISCOE, cette base de données donne accès à un large éventail de spécialistes de la migration du monde entier. Les universitaires et les chercheurs membres du réseau IMISCOE contribuent, par leurs publications et leur expertise, à faire avancer l’innovation dans le champ des études sur les migrations, et apportent des connaissances sur diverses questions en lien avec le Pacte mondial sur les migrations. Des liens vers leurs travaux sont indiqués dans leurs profils. Explorez la base de données par spécialité et par lieu pour trouver un expert et consulter ses travaux les plus récents. Connectez-vous pour contacter directement un expert.

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Base de données d'experts

Résultats de la recherche
2231 - 2240 résultats sur 2441
Liverpool John Moores University
Senior Lecturer

Philomene is a registered mental health nurse since 2006. She also has worked on the different programs aimed to redesign care pathways with a greater focus on prevention, early intervention, and reduction of health inequalities. For example, people with complex health problems, and asylum seekers, and refugees. She began teaching in 2011 at Liverpool John Moores University in the School of Nursing and Allied Health. She also has experience working in public health with specific programs aimed at increasing life expectancy. Her teaching and research interests include pre-registration adult, and mental health nursing, post-registration, and post-graduate programs specifically, public health, health inequalities, and cultural competency in health care. Others include early intervention in psychosis, post-traumatic growth, resilience and well-being, women’s health and young people, the mental health of refugees and asylum seekers, recovery, equality and diversity, anti-oppressive practice, stigma, and discrimination.

As a refugee herself, Philomene recognises the challenges professionals face whilst caring for asylum seekers and refugees. Therefore in October 2016, Philomene applied and won the prestigious Mary Seacole Leadership Award to develop the Online Resource Hub for professionals caring for asylum seekers and refugees. The online resource hub aims to:
• Provide up-to-date, easily accessible information on the legal asylum-seeking process and the role of professionals.
• Increase students and professionals’ knowledge of specific health issues relevant to asylum seekers and refugees.
• Develop a better understanding among students and professionals of the importance of cultural diversity and providing culturally responsive care.
• Create opportunities for inter-professional and inter-agency collaboration and learning between healthcare professionals and non-healthcare organisations such as education, employment, and housing.
• Provide information to promote health and well-being and good practice.
She is also highly committed to ensuring that support services and commissioners provide the appropriate care to asylum seekers. She is setting up a Humanitarian Champions which comprise students nurses child, adult, and mental health, paramedic, social workers, and law students to promote a Rights-based approach in health and social care.

  • Liverpool John Moores University
    Senior Lecturer
  • Public Health Sefton (NHS), Liverpool
    Senior Health Promotion Officer
  • Northwest Regional Trainer – Race Equality and Cultural Capability
  • Primary Care Trust, Liverpool
    Community Development Worker & Team Lead for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Migrant Populations
  • Mersey Care NHS Trust
    Practitioner (Honorary Contract)
  • Public Health Directorate, Wigan, Leigh and Ashton.
    Community Development Worker –Improving Access to mental health service for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Migrant Populations.

Philomene is a registered mental health nurse since 2006. She also has worked on the different programs aimed to redesign care pathways with a greater focus on prevention, early intervention, and reduction of health inequalities. For example, people with complex health problems, and asylum seekers, and refugees. She began teaching in 2011 at Liverpool John Moores University in the School of Nursing and Allied Health. She also has experience working in public health with specific programs aimed at increasing life expectancy. Her teaching and research interests include pre-registration adult, and mental health nursing, post-registration, and post-graduate programs specifically, public health, health inequalities, and cultural competency in health care. Others include early intervention in psychosis, post-traumatic growth, resilience and well-being, women’s health and young people, the mental health of refugees and asylum seekers, recovery, equality and diversity, anti-oppressive practice, stigma, and discrimination.

As a refugee herself, Philomene recognises the challenges professionals face whilst caring for asylum seekers and refugees. Therefore in October 2016, Philomene applied and won the prestigious Mary Seacole Leadership Award to develop the Online Resource Hub for professionals caring for asylum seekers and refugees. The online resource hub aims to:
• Provide up-to-date, easily accessible information on the legal asylum-seeking process and the role of professionals.
• Increase students and professionals’ knowledge of specific health issues relevant to asylum seekers and refugees.
• Develop a better understanding among students and professionals of the importance of cultural diversity and providing culturally responsive care.
• Create opportunities for inter-professional and inter-agency collaboration and learning between healthcare professionals and non-healthcare organisations such as education, employment, and housing.
• Provide information to promote health and well-being and good practice.
She is also highly committed to ensuring that support services and commissioners provide the appropriate care to asylum seekers. She is setting up a Humanitarian Champions which comprise students nurses child, adult, and mental health, paramedic, social workers, and law students to promote a Rights-based approach in health and social care.

Geography Department, University of Nigeria
Lead at University of Nigeria of a Horizon Europe Project, GAPs: De-centering Return Migration Studies and Readmission Policies in the EU and Beyond

I am a population geographer and a migration expert with a keen interest on movements across international borders. My area of coverage is the ECOWAS Region, Africa, Europe and the world.

  • Geography Department, University of Nigeria
    Lead at University of Nigeria of a Horizon Europe Project, GAPs: De-centering Return Migration Studies and Readmission Policies in the EU and Beyond

I am a population geographer and a migration expert with a keen interest on movements across international borders. My area of coverage is the ECOWAS Region, Africa, Europe and the world.

Capilano University
North Vancouver

Sanam Vaghefi is a sociologist and qualitative researcher with a doctoral degree from the University of Victoria. Her research on the Iranian refugees in Canada was awarded the Best Student Paper Award by IRCC in 2021.
Her research interests include refugee migration, mental health, health inequities, migrant agency, digital ethnography and autoethnography. Her Ph.D. Project is entitled 'Exploring the Health and Migration Trajectories of Iranian Refugees in Canada'. Sanam is currently employed as a full-time faculty member at Capilano University, North Vancouver.

  • Capilano University
    North Vancouver

Sanam Vaghefi is a sociologist and qualitative researcher with a doctoral degree from the University of Victoria. Her research on the Iranian refugees in Canada was awarded the Best Student Paper Award by IRCC in 2021.
Her research interests include refugee migration, mental health, health inequities, migrant agency, digital ethnography and autoethnography. Her Ph.D. Project is entitled 'Exploring the Health and Migration Trajectories of Iranian Refugees in Canada'. Sanam is currently employed as a full-time faculty member at Capilano University, North Vancouver.

Universidad Iberoamericana
Lomas de Santa Fe

I graduated from the Immigration and Settlement Studies Master Program at Ryerson University. I hold a PhD in Social and Political Sciences by Iberoamericana University, Mexico. I am currently a full-time professor at the International Studies Department at Iberoamericana and teach in the Master in Migration Studies. I am also member of the Mexican National Research System and a founding partner of Laboratorio de Inivestigación Social Justicia en Movimiento, a Mexican NGO. My research interests focus on protection of nationals abroad, Diaspora-State relations, borders and migrant integration.

  • Universidad Iberoamericana
    Lomas de Santa Fe

I graduated from the Immigration and Settlement Studies Master Program at Ryerson University. I hold a PhD in Social and Political Sciences by Iberoamericana University, Mexico. I am currently a full-time professor at the International Studies Department at Iberoamericana and teach in the Master in Migration Studies. I am also member of the Mexican National Research System and a founding partner of Laboratorio de Inivestigación Social Justicia en Movimiento, a Mexican NGO. My research interests focus on protection of nationals abroad, Diaspora-State relations, borders and migrant integration.

Migration Institute of Finland

Areas of expertise
- Finnish party and government politics concerning immigration & immigrants
- Immigration: post-WWII evolution at the policy, judicial, and discursive levels in Finland and Western Europe
- Populist political communication

Doc. Diss.: Finnish parties and immigration issues from the 1970s to the 2010s (2014-2019)

Post doc project: Securitization in authorities’ discourse and practice: Refugee reception in Finland, 1986–1995. (2019-2020, Kone Foundation)

  • Migration Institute of Finland

Areas of expertise
- Finnish party and government politics concerning immigration & immigrants
- Immigration: post-WWII evolution at the policy, judicial, and discursive levels in Finland and Western Europe
- Populist political communication

Doc. Diss.: Finnish parties and immigration issues from the 1970s to the 2010s (2014-2019)

Post doc project: Securitization in authorities’ discourse and practice: Refugee reception in Finland, 1986–1995. (2019-2020, Kone Foundation)

KTH - Royal Institute of Technology

Graduate Student at the KTH - Environmental Humanities Laboratory, Department of Philosophy and History, Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment (2015). I am part of the Marie Sklodowska Curie ITN program in Environmental Humanities ENHANCE. I am interested in working at the intersection between Environmental History, Environmental Humanities and Migration Studies, touching also upon Cultural Heritage, Memory Studies, Oral History, Psychogeography, and Political Ecology.

Currently, I am working on my doctoral thesis, which is provisionally entitled: "Coal Lives. Italians and the Metabolism of Coal in Wallonia, Belgium".

  • KTH - Royal Institute of Technology

Graduate Student at the KTH - Environmental Humanities Laboratory, Department of Philosophy and History, Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment (2015). I am part of the Marie Sklodowska Curie ITN program in Environmental Humanities ENHANCE. I am interested in working at the intersection between Environmental History, Environmental Humanities and Migration Studies, touching also upon Cultural Heritage, Memory Studies, Oral History, Psychogeography, and Political Ecology.

Currently, I am working on my doctoral thesis, which is provisionally entitled: "Coal Lives. Italians and the Metabolism of Coal in Wallonia, Belgium".

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

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Contact us

We welcome your feedback and suggestions, please contact us

*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.