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Pledging initiative – Submission form: Submission #2306

Submission information

Submission Number: 2306
Submission ID: 8076
Submission UUID: ab2d08ef-cc49-4304-8df3-b2a6e9e32d68
Submission URI: /es/submit-pledges

Created: Mon, 08/01/2022 - 00:35
Completed: Mon, 08/01/2022 - 00:35
Changed: Tue, 08/02/2022 - 18:31

Remote IP address:
Language: English

Is draft: No

Flagged: Yes
Nombre del Estado o agente que presenta el compromiso (sírvase indicar el sitio web, si lo hay)The Mayors Mechanism submitting in the name of the Government of eThekwini
Pledging entityCities, Municipalities, and Local Authority
Is the country of the pledging entity a GCM Champion country?
Nombres y apellidosPablo Mariani
Puesto que ocupaKMO
Other country of implementationGlobal
Region of implementation
Dirección de correo electró
Secondary contact person
Secondary email
Título del compromisoInsight-driven response to homeless migrant and displaced populations in eThekwini
Tipo de compromiso (sírvase seleccionar)Individual (un solo Estado Miembro/ una sola parte interesada)
Is this a mirror pledge (pledge is also relevant to the Global Compact on Refugees) ?
Estados y actores participantes
Título del compromiso mancomunado
Código de identificación del compromiso mancomunado
Naturaleza del compromiso (sírvase seleccionar)Participación en los procesos (p. ej., organización de procesos plenamente consultivos para elaboración de informes nacionales para el Foro de Examen de la Migración Internacional); structured
Sírvase indicar el (los) objetivo(s) del Pacto Mundial para la Migración que este compromiso pretende promover7. Abordar y reducir las vulnerabilidades en la migración; 15. Proporcionar a los migrantes acceso a servicios básicos; 16. Empoderar a los migrantes y las sociedades para lograr la plena inclusión y la cohesión social; 23. Fortalecer la cooperación internacional y las alianzas mundiales para la migración segura, ordenada y regular
Sírvase indicar qué principio(s) rector(es)1 es (son) particularmente pertinente(s) para este compromisoCentrada en las personas; Cooperación internacional; Soberanía nacional; Estado de derecho y garantías procesales; Desarrollo sostenible; Derechos humanos; Perspectiva de género; Perspectiva infantil; Enfoque pangubernamental; Enfoque pansocial
Sírvase describir el compromisoThe eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality will implement an insight-driven response to the unmet social and economic needs of undocumented migrant and displaced populations living in situations of homelessness. Focused on improving documentation and access to social services, the project follows a three phased approach. Phase One will focus on a comprehensive point-in-time survey to gauge current needs and numbers of the target population. Phase Two will include the development of eThekwini’s ‘CARE’ database – a self-registration platform that will be connected to existing local drop-in centers distributed across the city. This development phase will also include trust-building activities run in partnership with local civil society organizations to ensure the buy-in of the target population. The final phase of the project will be the roll-out of the CARE program, which will facilitate the registration of refugees and asylum-seekers at the city-level, providing them with unique identification codes they can use to access critical city services, such as access to healthcare, education, food and non-food items, temporary shelter, and livelihoods programs. This project is in line with eThekwini’s proposed project for the MMC's Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees.

The eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality anticipates three key impacts of this action:
1. The eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality relies on a comprehensive database of migrants, refugees and IDPs to better understand the magnitude and character of migration and homelessness in eThekwini and improve its municipal service delivery systems
2. Undocumented migrants and refugees, especially women and children, have improved access to social services, including shelter, healthcare, and livelihoods programs, while gaining trust in the municipality’s ability to meet their needs.
3. The eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality’s CARE program provides a model registration platform for other metropolitan areas in South Africa to replicate, helping all residents access to basic services regardless of legal status.
Sírvase señalar un plazo indicativo para el cumplimiento del compromiso30 Jun 2023
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*Todas las referencias a Kosovo deben entenderse en el contexto de la Resolución 1244 [1999] del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.