Submission form: Submission #2307
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Informations sur la soumission
Numéro de la soumission: 2307
Identifiant (ID) de la soumission: 8081
Identifiant universel unique (UUID) de la soumission: a411201a-39a8-4f96-8b86-7c02f22f349f
URI de la soumission: /fr/submit-pledges
Créé: lun 01/08/2022 - 00:38
Terminé: lun 01/08/2022 - 00:38
Modifié: mar 02/08/2022 - 18:24
Adresse IP distante:
Soumis par: Pablo Sebastian Mariani
Langue: English
Est un brouillon: Non
Webform: Modèle d'annonce de contribution
Soumettre à: Submission form
Flaggé: Oui
Nom de l’État/acteur qui fait l’annonce (veuillez indiquer le site Web, le cas échéant) | The Mayors Mechanism submitting in the name of the City of Freetown |
Pledging entity | Cities, Municipalities, and Local Authority |
Is the country of the pledging entity a GCM Champion country? | |
Nom et prénom(s) | Pablo Mariani |
Poste | KMO |
Pays | Sierra Leone |
Other country of implementation | Global |
Region of implementation | |
Courriel | |
Secondary contact person | |
Secondary email | |
Intitulé de l’annonce de contribution | Freetown Waste Micro-Enterprise Project |
Type d’annonce de contribution (veuillez cocher la case correspondante) | Individuelle (faite par un État/acteur) |
Is this a mirror pledge (pledge is also relevant to the Global Compact on Refugees) ? | |
États participants et acteurs | |
Intitulé de l’annonce mise en correspondance | |
Numéro d’identification de l’annonce mise en correspondance | |
Nature de l’annonce (veuillez cocher la case correspondante) | Axée sur les processus (par exemple, organisation de processus pleinement consultatifs aux fins d’établissement de rapports nationaux pour le Forum); structured |
Veuillez indiquer le ou les objectifs du Pacte mondial auxquels l’annonce est censée contribuer. | 15. Assurer l’accès des migrants aux services de base; 16. Donner aux migrants et aux sociétés des moyens en faveur de la pleine intégration et de la cohésion sociale |
Veuillez indiquer le ou les principes directeurs du Pacte mondial qui sont particulièrement pertinents pour l’annonce de contribution. | Priorité à la dimension humaine; Coopération internationale; Souveraineté nationale; Primauté du droit et garanties d’une procédure régulière; Développement durable; Droits de l’homme; Prise en compte de la problématique femmes-hommes; Adaptation aux besoins de l’enfant; Approche mobilisant l’ensemble des pouvoirs publics; Approche mobilisant l’ensemble de la société |
Veuillez décrire l’annonce de contribution | Freetown commits to provide green livelihood opportunities for migrant, refugee, and marginalized youth living in informal settlements while improving waste management throughout the city. In 2021-2022, the city’s Waste Management Micro-Enterprise Program expanded to 40 new entrepreneurial teams to deliver waste collection services within informal settlements and to other Freetown residents. The builds on gains made by 80 existing waste management micro-enterprises supported by the Freetown City Council. Through this expansion, the city ensures that more youth living in informal settlements, the majority of whom are rural migrants, access the opportunity to jointly improve their livelihoods. Project clients are provided with initial business investment support that includes a motorized tricycle cart, sanitation tools, business registration, training, and business development mentoring. This project is supported by the Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees. To sustain and scale the Global Cities Fund initial investment, FCC directly funded fifty percent of tricycles purchased, allowing the city to continue to reach the most vulnerable Freetonians while creating a cleaner, greener Freetown for all. Freetown’s most recent phase of the project has three key impacts: 1. 240 youth in informal settlements have access to green livelihood opportunities, including 180 young rural migrants and at least sixty women. 2. At least 1,500 households have improved access to waste collection services, sanitary conditions, and reduced waterway and water point contamination. 3. Freetown City Council has strengthened capacity to support delivery, job creation in informal settlements, and improved the public health of citizens. Freetown’s project has the following key innovations: • Piloting a new a new financial mechanism to sustain and scale the Global Cities Fund initial investment. Through the project, Freetown designed a loan repayment scheme that allows its Waste Management Micro-Enterprise Program to sustain itself as it scales to help more people find work while creating a cleaner, greener city. • Strengthening Freetown City Council’s collaboration with Global Cities Fund Strategic Partners: UN-Habitat, UCLG, IOM, and UNHCR. |
Veuillez indiquer un délai indicatif pour la réalisation de l’annonce de contribution | 31 déc 2024 |
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*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.
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