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European Citizen Initiative in Rennes: “Ensuring Dignified Reception for Refugees and Migrants in Europe"


Rennes commits to initiate a consultative process to contribute to a pan-European citizen proposal to the European Commission, with the aim to ensure dignified reception for refugees and migrants in Europe.

Rennes is a European city, and its citizens mobilize every day to bring the European project to life and to make it accessible for all its residents, especially those that are at risk of being left behind.

All these individuals and community groups come together in the “Labo Europe” of the City of Rennes. This Labo aims to renew the citizens’ debate on European policies. The Labo is part of the "Fabrique citoyenne," the city’s platform for citizen participation.

Among the 12 European Citizens' Initiatives (ECI) that were co-created by about 300 residents of Rennes, the call for dignified reception of refugees and migrants overwhelmingly won the online vote and was submitted to the European Commission as the first-ever ECI proposal drafted by a local government. It is now open to collect signatures across Europe. If this proposal receives 1 million signatures, the European Commission needs to take note of the proposal. This ECI is the result of collective work initiated by students from Rosa Parks College in Rennes.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).