Champion countries
Champion countries
The UN Network on Migration invited a group of Member States to serve as “Champion countries” for the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration, targeting them with explicit support from the Network, while also generating key insights, lessons learned, and positive practices that can be shared in dedicated spaces and with other Member States.

What is the Champions Initiative?
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2308 Champions Summary meeting.pdf (143.42 KB)
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champions_letter_to_pga.pdf (525.05 KB)
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champions_summary_26may21_final.pdf (137.84 KB)
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summary_meeting_champions_september2020.pdf (196.31 KB)
Champions' Confirmations
GCM Talks

Champion Countries Initiative - GCM Talk Building a balanced/evidence-based narrative around migration and migrants

Ghana Recommendations Informal Cross-Regional Dialogue of GCM
*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
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