The objective of the workstream is to support the concretization of the commitments included in the IMRF Progress Declaration. More specifically, it aims to support efforts in ensuring migrants are granted and enabled to gain access to health services and continuity of care, regardless of migration status, and in line with the principles of Universal Health Coverage. This includes embedding the expressed and unexpressed health needs of migrants into national and local health policies and programmes, as well as considering the health of migrants within migratory policies.
GCM Talk on Universal Health Coverage 16 May 2023
Summary Report
Read here
i. Develop critical considerations and actions for achieving safe access to basic services, regardless of their migration status, as well as continuity of care, in line with universal health coverage. This will be preceded by a summary of lessons learned that emerged since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Timeline: 2023
ii. Expand the compendium of promising practices within the Migration Hub in integrating public health considerations into migration policies, and in incorporating the health needs of migrants in national and local healthcare services, policies, and plans, in ways that are transparent, equitable, non-discriminatory, people-centred, gender-responsive, child-sensitive, and disability-responsive.
Timeline: 2023 and 2024
iii. Promote the meaningful participation of migrants in policy discussions related to safe access to basic services and integration by organising specific dialogues within migrant groups and other relevant stakeholders to exchange practices and lessons learned and build collaborative spaces.
Timeline: 2023 and 2024
iv. Organise two capacity-building events to promote the inclusion of public health considerations into migration policies and plans.
Timeline: 2023 and 2024
v. Strengthen research on and analysis of the impact of health emergencies on the mobility and health of migrants by conducting situation analyses and evaluating impacts on policies and practices.
Timeline: 2024
vi. Support the development of indicators linked to objectives 15,16,19 and 21 in close cooperation with the workstream on Indicators.
Timeline: 2023 and 2024