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Arab Region: Multi-stakeholder Consultation held in Preparation for the Regional Review of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Cairo – A Multi-stakeholder Consultation session starts today in preparation for the Regional Review of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) in the Arab region which will take place on 24-25 February.

In line with the whole-of-society approach called for by Member States in the GCM, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) in collaboration with the members of the Regional United Nations Network on Migration in the Arab Region, together with over 300 participants registered will discuss the challenges and progress made in the implementation of the GCM in the region from different stakeholders’ perspectives.

 "The engagement of all relevant stakeholders is at the heart of the GCM in line with Guiding Principles and reiterated the significance of this Consultation for the region to engage such a broad range of stakeholders for the first time on the issue of migration,” said Jonathan Prentice, Head of the secretariat of the UN Network on Migration.

The consultation session is attended by migrants, civil society, migrant and diaspora organizations, faith-based organizations, local authorities and communities, the private sector, trade unions, parliamentarians, national human rights institutions, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, academia, the media and other relevant stakeholders within and across regions working on the issue of migration in the Arab region. migrants. Participants are going to provide overviews on their achievements as well as recommendations to accelerate the implementation in the region in order to achieve the ambitious vision of the GCM.

 "Reaching out and welcoming stakeholders in origin countries of migrants going to the Arab states is a positive measure in international migration governance,” said Ellene Sana, Executive Director of the Center for Migrant Advocacy

“Such cross-regional effort guarantees a more balanced and inclusive process that strengthens partnership and cooperation to promote and protect the rights and welfare of migrant workers and their families at all stages of the migration cycle.”

The consultation session has provided stakeholders with the opportunity to explore different ways they can support Member States and migrants by enhancing their contribution to the implementation of GCM objectives, through their meaningful engagement in the region.

"The range of organizational, institutional and individual stakeholders in migration is enormous, requiring continuous engagement to understand multifaceted perspectives and interests in the development of meaningful action strategies,"  said Ray Jureidini, Professor of migration ethics and human rights at the Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics in the College of Islamic Studies, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar.

Inputs and recommendations from all relevant stakeholders will be collated aiming to inform the GCM Regional Review Conference in the Arab region, starting from tomorrow, as well as the International Migration Review Forum which set to take place in 2022.


For more information, please contact:

Mr. Mohammedali Abunajela, at IOM Regional Office for the Middle East and north Africa:

Ms. Sara Salman, Population and Social Development Section, UN ESCWA:

Ms. Florence Kim, Senior Strategic Communications Coordinator, secretariat of the UN Network on Migration:

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).