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COVID-19 and Human Trafficking - Concept Note

Joint UN Network on Migration & Inter-Agency Coordination Group Against Trafficking in Persons (ICAT)

Stakeholder listening sessions on the COVID-19 Impact on Trafficking in Persons
Thursday, 09.07.2020, 09h – 10h CET, and 16h – 17h CET

 Concept Note


Objective 10 of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) focuses on actions to prevent, combat and eradicate trafficking in persons in the context of international migration. However, as a result of the current COVID-19 crisis, concerns have emerged on the short and long-term impacts that the pandemic and its response measures have on the crime of trafficking in persons and its victims. These include heightened risks for vulnerable groups of individuals, including women and girls, people on the move affected by travel restrictions, unaccompanied minors and children subjected to family separation, as well as persons directly impacted by disruption of economic activities and reduced livelihoods options. Reportedly, victims and survivors of trafficking experience hindered access to assistance and protection services, and delayed access to justice.

This listening session will focus on the impact of COVID-19 on the crime of trafficking in persons, providing a space to civil society organizations, frontline responders and specialists to share updates on trends, challenges, lessons learned and examples of ongoing collaboration among first responders and stakeholders in all regions.

Participants are invited to share their experiences on the impact of the current pandemic on migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, who are facing an increased risk of being trafficked. These listening sessions will help improve our collective understanding of the assistance and protection measures needed for victims and survivors of trafficking in persons, including through their identification in the current circumstances. The overall aim of the session will be to discuss proposals to enhance anti-trafficking responses during after the COVID-19 crisis and to identify ways in which the GCM can be utilized as an advocacy tool with governments.

The session is co-organized by the United Nations Network on Migration Secretariat and the Inter-Agency Coordination Group Against Trafficking in Persons (ICAT), the UN’s lead inter-agency mechanism to coordinate policy and mobilize action against trafficking in persons, further to its call to action against trafficking in persons in times of COVID-19. The session is expected to gather a variety of civil society organizations and antitrafficking stakeholders.

The working language of this call will be English. However, colleagues of the Network Secretariat would be able to translate brief questions or interventions made in French or Spanish into English on the call.

Please feel free to share this Concept Note with relevant civil society and stakeholder representatives at the regional and national levels and international organizations – all of whom are welcome to join. For more details on the modalities of this exercise please consult the Guidelines for UN Network on Migration’s Online Series on COVID-19 and Migration.


Stakeholder listening sessions on the COVID-19 Impact on Trafficking in Persons.

Event address for attendees:

Date and Time: 
Thursday, July 9, 2020 9:00 am
Europe Summer Time (Paris, GMT+02:00)

Event number: 163 527 0575

Event password: welcome

Video Address:
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Audio conference:
United Kingdom Toll
Show all global call-in numbers
Access code: 163 527 0575


Stakeholder listening sessions on the COVID-19 Impact on Trafficking in Persons.

Event address for attendees:

Date and time:
Thursday, July 9, 2020 4:00 pm
Europe Summer Time (Paris, GMT+02:00)

Event number: 163 727 2194

Event password: welcome

Video Address:
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Audio conference:
United Kingdom Toll
Show all global call-in numbers
Access code: 163 727 2194


The purpose of these listening sessions is to bring together advocates, UN agencies, migrants and their organizations to examine the impacts of COVID-19 on trafficking in persons.

The moderated discussion will include a number of lead discussants each of whom will suggest three or four main lines of inquiry or reflection. These will then be followed by an open conversation.

  • Welcome remarks: Amy Muedin, Migration Policy Officer, UN Network on Migration Secretariat
  • Moderator: Monami Maulik, Civil Society Liaison Officer, UN Network on Migration Secretariat
  • Opening Remarks: Claudio Formisano, Programme Officer, ICAT Secretariat
  • Lead Discussants:

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).