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Multistakeholder workshop on regular pathways for admission and stay for migrants in situations of vulnerability

The aim of the workshop is to reflect stakeholder experiences regarding availability, accessibility and adequacy of regular pathways for migrants in situations of vulnerability.

Key issues to be discussed

The workshop will cover a number of pertinent topics include:

  • How can we enhance availability and flexibility of pathways for admission and stay of migrants in situations of vulnerability

  • The impacts of COVID-19 on access to pathways for regular migration - what opportunities might it offer to streamline access to admission and stay related procedures

  • How can we ensure that pathways provide meaningful status

  • A discussion on future opportunities for multi-stakeholder collaboration

Date: , -
Type of Event
Event Category
Main organizer/s
UN Network on Migration
Geographic Scope
Workstream Output
Enhancing regular pathways for migrants in vulnerable situations 
Regional Review Process
GCM Objectives
GCM Objective 2 - Minimize adverse drivers
GCM Objective 3 - Information provision
GCM Objective 5 - Regular pathways
GCM Objective 6 - Recruitment and decent work
GCM Objective 7 - Reduce vulnerabilities
GCM Objective 11 - Manage borders
GCM Objective 12 - Screening and referral
GCM Objective 15 - Access to basic services
GCM Objective 21 - Dignified return and reintegration
GCM Objective 23 - International cooperation
Cross Cutting Theme
International cooperation
Human rights

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).