"Providing actionable recommendations to the developing NAP based on the GCM priority themes identified in the IMRF Progress Declaration."

The text provides a detailed description of a workshop held in Tajikistan to discuss the
implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM). Here's a
concise summary:
The workshop, held on November 2, 2023, in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, was organized within the
framework of the sub-regional IOM project "Supporting the Governments of Central Asian States in
the implementation of the GCM." The primary organizer is likely the International Organization for
Migration (IOM).
The workshop aimed to enhance efforts in improving migration management at the national
level, strengthen the ability of governments and stakeholders in Tajikistan to advance GCM guiding
principles and objectives, and prepare government officials for meaningful participation in high-level
events related to migration.
Key participants included representatives from 21 different ministries, stakeholders, and the
IOM team. The workshop covered various themes, including the GCM, guiding principles, objectives,
migration and the SDGs, and the national strategy for regulating migration processes.
The outcomes of the workshop included strengthened abilities of governments and
stakeholders, the development of priority goals for GCM, coordination of national policy on migration
governance, and the preparation of a comprehensive report summarizing key discussions and