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Pledging initiative – Submission form: Submission #2291

Informations sur la soumission

Numéro de la soumission: 2291
Identifiant (ID) de la soumission: 8001
Identifiant universel unique (UUID) de la soumission: adfd7382-89c5-4b67-85a7-4b08ae30e157
URI de la soumission: /fr/submit-pledges

Créé: dim 31/07/2022 - 22:09
Terminé: dim 31/07/2022 - 22:09
Modifié: mar 02/08/2022 - 22:21

Adresse IP distante:
Langue: English

Est un brouillon: Non

Flaggé: Oui
Nom de l’État/acteur qui fait l’annonce (veuillez indiquer le site Web, le cas échéant)The Mayors Mechanism submitting in the name of the City of Barranquilla
Pledging entityCities, Municipalities, and Local Authority
Is the country of the pledging entity a GCM Champion country?
Nom et prénom(s)Pablo Mariani
Other country of implementationGlobal
Region of implementation
Secondary contact person
Secondary email
Intitulé de l’annonce de contributionCenter for the Local Integration of Migrants
Type d’annonce de contribution (veuillez cocher la case correspondante)Individuelle (faite par un État/acteur)
Is this a mirror pledge (pledge is also relevant to the Global Compact on Refugees) ?
États participants et acteurs
Intitulé de l’annonce mise en correspondance
Numéro d’identification de l’annonce mise en correspondance
Nature de l’annonce (veuillez cocher la case correspondante)Axée sur les processus (par exemple, organisation de processus pleinement consultatifs aux fins d’établissement de rapports nationaux pour le Forum); structured
Veuillez indiquer le ou les objectifs du Pacte mondial auxquels l’annonce est censée contribuer.7. S’attaquer aux facteurs de vulnérabilité liés aux migrations et les réduire; 15. Assurer l’accès des migrants aux services de base; 16. Donner aux migrants et aux sociétés des moyens en faveur de la pleine intégration et de la cohésion sociale; 23. Renforcer la coopération internationale et les partenariats mondiaux pour des migrations sûres, ordonnées et régulières
Veuillez indiquer le ou les principes directeurs du Pacte mondial qui sont particulièrement pertinents pour l’annonce de contribution.Priorité à la dimension humaine; Coopération internationale; Souveraineté nationale; Primauté du droit et garanties d’une procédure régulière; Développement durable; Droits de l’homme; Prise en compte de la problématique femmes-hommes; Adaptation aux besoins de l’enfant; Approche mobilisant l’ensemble des pouvoirs publics; Approche mobilisant l’ensemble de la société
Veuillez décrire l’annonce de contributionThe Local Integration Center for Migrants functions as a one-stop center that centralizes the services offered by the District of Barranquilla, the national level and international cooperation partners for the comprehensive care of the migrant, refugee, stateless and returnee population, mainly from Venezuela.
Our main objectives are three: first, to consolidate ourselves as a space that is permanent and recognized by the population with a focus on orientation, referral, and integral attention to the migrant population. A space where the district, national and international cooperation organizations offer is centralized; and also, to decentralize this offer and take it to the five localities of the district through extra-mural workshops with leaders, community-based organizations, international cooperation and district and national entities and the private sector. Secondly, we seek to achieve the successful socioeconomic, cultural, and urban integration of the entire target population in Barranquilla through access to rights, social protection, humanitarian attention and productive integration. Finally, we seek to lead processes, mobilize, and articulate all levels of society to strengthen migration policy and governance, and thus become a national and international reference.
In the years 2020, 2021, and so far in 2022, 3,955, 7,046, and 2,924 families have been served respectively from the Local Integration Center for Migrants. Each family nucleus is estimated at approximately 5 people; giving an estimated total of 69,625 people. Through the extra-mural workshops, the Center benefits thousands more people in the territories.
We have been able to integrate the entire migrant population in the District of Barranquilla. We have achieved important accomplishments as a result of the articulated work with other entities, such as Migration Colombia. In this sense, Barranquilla is today one of the cities with the highest number of registrations to the Temporary Protection Status for Venezuelan Migrants and delivery of permits.
CILM services are available for migrant population but also for the host population, since this way an effective integration is guaranteed by the institution. Likewise, we hope that the improvement of living conditions and welfare indicators, the protection and guarantee of rights, effective access to health and education, and the entry into the formal labor market of the migrant population, will have a positive impact on the improvement of prosperity and urban inclusion indicators, and in terms of citizen security for all the inhabitants of the District.
CILM has received high-level visits that have validated the management and relevance of its work, as well as technical visits for the exchange of good practices by mayors of cities such as Cali, Cartagena and Soledad.
Veuillez indiquer un délai indicatif pour la réalisation de l’annonce de contribution31 juil 2024
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*Toutes les références au Kosovo doivent être comprises dans le contexte de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies.