Discussion Spaces

IMRF Roundtable 3 Consultation
IMRF Roundtable 3 Consultation
This discussion space is being organized as part of the preparations for the third roundtable (“Roundtable 3”) of the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) which will take place in May 2022. The discussion is moderated by WHO, UNMGCY, UCLG and the UN Network on Migration Secretariat, and runs until 31 January 2022. Roundtable 3 focuses on reviewing the following GCM objectives:
- 14 – Consular protection
- 15 – Access to basic services
- 16 – Inclusion and social cohesion
- 19 – Migrant and diaspora contributions
- 20 – Remittances
- 22 – Social protection
The aim of this discussion space is to gather inputs from a broad range of Member States and stakeholders in the preparations for the roundtable, and in particular the drafting of its background note, which is being prepared by WHO, UNMGCY and UCLG on behalf of the UN Network on Migration, in support of the Member State co-chairs of the roundtable (to be announced in 2022).
The background paper will address the background, objectives, and guiding questions for the Roundtable. It will be a short paper of 1,000 words and will be available prior to the IMRF. The Roundtable discussions will feed into broader discussions at the IMRF and will adopt a multi-stakeholder approach in line with the whole-of-society guiding principle of the GCM.
To contribute, you are invited to respond to the discussion questions below, or pose your own questions to the moderators and other participants. Responses are welcome in English, French, and Spanish. In case of difficulties posting please contact gcmhub@iom.int
Discussion Questions & Comments
In a powerful example of migrant and diaspora contributions, remittances have proven remarkably resilient during the COVID-19 pandemic. The World Migration Report 2022 shows that remittances worldwide dropped by only 2.4% in 2020 compared to the anticipated 20% decrease predicted at the outset of the pandemic, and World Bank data shows that remittances even grew in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and North Africa, and South Asia. We must continue to highlight and optimize the transformative impact of remittances on the well-being of migrant workers and their families, as well as on sustainable development, through meaningful diaspora engagement that respects private capital and recognizes contributions beyond financial remittances.
Information about these trends is critical to our efforts to counter negative narratives about migration and migrants. The GCM recognizes migration as a source of prosperity, innovation and sustainable development, but these dimensions rarely receive sufficient attention. We must place them front and center in our discussions around the IMRF, championing the contributions of migrants and diaspora, if we are to successfully leverage the GCM to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
In reply to by Florence Kim
The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated not only that inclusive policies and social protection are vital for the well-being of migrants and displaced persons, but also that we cannot achieve the 2030 Agenda if they are left behind. We must prioritize empowering migrants to engage in societal efforts to rebuild better and in a manner that advances equitable and sustainable development. Joint roadmaps for recovery, mobilizing the whole of government and whole of society approaches set out in the GCM, will facilitate the development contributions of migrants and refugees and harness the benefits of migration for sustainable development.
In reply to by Florence Kim
Objective 16: Empower migrants and societies to realize full inclusion and social cohesion
UNCTAD has developed in 2017 a partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for stimulating discussions among policymakers and the wider stakeholder community on how entrepreneurship promotion measures might support the long-term social and economic inclusion of refugees and migrants and enhance their positive economic and development impact on host countries. This partnership has already developed a policy guidance and a collection of good practices and effective programmes for refugee and migrant entrepreneurship promotion, based on the respective organizations’ work on migration and refugee issues and entrepreneurship development in the field (e.g., UNCTAD Empretec programme), building on UNCTAD Entrepreneurship Policy Framework (EPF), and grounded in the knowledge and experience of the IOM and UNHCR.
Objective 19: Create conditions for migrants and diasporas to fully contribute to sustainable development in all countries
Diaspora engagement is useful to increase bilateral trade. This includes enhancing nostalgia trade and providing information on work, business and education opportunities, financing, circumvention of trade barriers and reduction of trade-related costs. This is another example where there is convergence of the migration and sustainable development agendas. The economic incentive to engage with the diaspora is aligned with the efforts to improve the lives of migrants and families and to leverage migration for development in countries of origin and destination. Engaged diaspora networks increase remittance flows, transmit skills and technology, and can potentially motivate migrants to return to origin countries, leading to brain circulation rather than brain drain.
Objective 20: Promote faster, safer and cheaper transfer of remittances and foster financial inclusion of migrants
Financial inclusion and remittance policies can be mutually supportive. People receiving remittances may be more available to join the formal financial sector. Conversely, improved access to effective, efficient and affordable financial services can facilitate speedier, safer and less costly remittances. Digital financial services have played an important role in reducing transaction costs in remittance transfer by enhancing efficiency and transparency.[1]
Losses in remittances, including during the COVID-19 crisis, had a strong negative impact on women’s economic empowerment.[2] Domestic and international policy actions are required. These comprise collecting better data on women’s access to and use of financial services, removing discriminatory laws and regulations and promoting digital financial inclusion.[3]
Moreover, access to financial services - such as diaspora funds and bonds - and financial literacy allows to link remittances to savings, credit and insurance services. This provides people the option to use these private resources to leverage investment in productive activities, social services and infrastructure.[4]
[1] UNCTAD, 2021, Financial Inclusion for Development: Better access to financial services for women, the poor, and migrant workers. Available at https://unctad.org/system/files/official-document/ditctncd2020d6_en.pdf
[2] See more information on the UNCTAD Trade Policy Dialogue on “Applying a gender lens to financial inclusion”, organized in collaboration with UN Women and ITC in April 2021. Available at https://unctad.org/meeting/6th-trade-policy-dialogue-applying-gender-le…
[3] UNCTAD, 2021, COVID-19 shows need to close financial inclusion gender gap. Available at https://unctad.org/news/covid-19-shows-need-close-financial-inclusion-g…
[4] UNCTAD, 2021, Financial Inclusion for Development: Better access to financial services for women, the poor, and migrant workers. Available at https://unctad.org/system/files/official-document/ditctncd2020d6_en.pdf
The GFMD Mayors Mechanism – co-steered by United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), the Mayors Migration Council (MMC), and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) – submits its Position Paper for Roundtable 3.
This paper has been prepared for the 2022 International Migration Review Forum (IMRF). It illustrates the contributions and progress of Local and Regional Governments (LRGs) toward the implementation objectives of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM) under discussion at Roundtable 3 of the IMRF. It proposes recommendations to national governments and international organizations for joint action to advance future progress.