
Civil Society Expectations for the 12th Global Forum on Migration & Development Summit – GFMD Civil Society Days
José Dolores Suazo Mejía (Don Lolo), president of COFAMICENH (Committee of Families of Disappeared Migrants from Central Honduras) is one of this year's co-chairs of the Global Forum on Migration and Development Civil Society Mechanism. In this short video interview he talks about the expectations of civil society organizations for this year's Summit.
“Like Martin Luther King said he had a dream, we in civil society can say we have hope. We have the hope that we can influence our governments so that they recognize the issues faced by the migrant community,” Don Lolo says.
“Civil society organizations are promoters. We promote social equity, we uphold human rights, and we protect life,” he adds.
“There are so many things I'd like to ask for. But the truth is that in fact all of them come down to one: that we may become more humane.”
Watch the video!