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Engaging diaspora for development


GCM Objective 19 calls for creating conditions for migrants and diasporas to fully contribute to sustainable development in all countries. The Government recognizes the important role of Iraqi diaspora for national development. To further this objective, we pledge to develop a policy framework for diaspora engagement to attract skilled diaspora members to do business and invest in Iraq, exchange and transfer skills, and return safely to their homeland.

In the post-2003 period, outmigration mostly occurred within the region to Jordan, Syria and Iran. Since the ISIS crisis in 2015-2016, it shifted to countries outside the region, including to Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands, Turkey, the United States, Canada and Australia, among others. This has led to the emergence of new Iraqi diaspora communities abroad. However, limited data on Iraqis abroad are available, including numbers, characteristics, motivations and skills. We will seek to strengthen data on the Iraqi diaspora and to establish communication and cooperation channels, including through partnerships with diaspora groups. This will draw from the positive experience of connecting the Iraqi diaspora in the Netherlands with government institutions in Iraq for the transfer of knowledge and skills.

LAST UPDATED: 21/02/2024

We, as the Government of Iraq, are committed to engaging its diaspora community in the country's development efforts. In line with GCM Objective 19, we have developed a policy framework to attract skilled diaspora members to do business and invest in Iraq, exchange and transfer skills, and return safely to their homeland.
With IOM support, we have successfully implemented initiatives to connect the Iraqi diaspora in the Netherlands with government institutions in Iraq and KRG for the transfer of knowledge and skills. These initiatives are being replicated in other countries with significant Iraqi diaspora populations.
We finished a draft diaspora engagement strategy to guide our work in the future.


*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).