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Enhancing readmission cooperation with countries of return and deploying eRCMS


Objective 21 of the GCM addresses the process of expulsion, which, in the GCM, comprises three measures, notably return, readmission, and reintegration. Regarding return, states commit to facilitate safe and dignified return and guarantee due process, individual assessment, and effective remedy by upholding the prohibition of collective expulsion and return to a risk of serious human rights violations. Under the readmission component, states commit to receive and readmit their nationals duly.

In order to promote a migrant-centred approach throughout the return continuum, uphold and streamline human rights and effectively engage in readmission cooperation with partner countries, we will seek to work closely together with the international community on the development and enhancement of technical capacities required to systematize the return process. We would be looking at specialized functions and tools linked to systematizing identity management and identity verification to guarantee that national security is upheld at all times, while ensuring that returnees can access reintegration services upon return. Among others, multiple governance capacities in Iraq would grow significantly with the introduction of an electronic Return Case Management System (RCMS). RCMS is a technical solution that significantly expands the menu of options to the GoI and allow it to engage its migration and readmission cooperation partners strategically while also addressing national interests that intersect with the return migration issue.

Given its cross-cutting nature, the pledge also speaks to the commitment under Objective 4 of the GCM to “Ensure that all migrants have proof of legal identity and adequate documentation”.

LAST UPDATED: 21/02/2024

We, as the Government of Iraq, are making significant strides in enhancing its readmission cooperation with countries of return and deploying RCM. These efforts are contributing to a more efficient, humane, and rights-respecting return process for Iraqi nationals. 
We officially request IOM to partner with us in developing and implementing a pilot project for the eRCMS. This pilot project will allow us to test the system and gather feedback before its full-scale deployment..
It is worthy of mention that all this happened after we significantly strengthened our technical capacities on policy level to manage the return via IOM support from different projects.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).