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Strengthening international cooperation in migration management by building the capacity of various stakeholders in the region within the Regional Training Center on Migration


In 2020, State Migration Service of Azerbaijan and IOM initiated a project Supporting the Establishment of a Regional Training Centre on Migration (RTCM) in Azerbaijan with the aim of expanding and supporting training and capacity building activities in the field of migration at the regional level. Since the launch of RTCM, it has contributed to capacity building of migration agencies in the countries of the region and beyond, as well as has become a platform for training representatives of stakeholders in the field of migration, strengthen cooperation through the establishment of a pool of specialists and raise awareness related with various aspects of migration.

RTCM is expected to serve Azerbaijan’s neighboring countries, as well as countries from Central Asia, Middle East and Eastern Partnership, and beyond, and contribute to the promotion of orderly and legal migration through the sharing of best practices, as well as the promotion of cooperation in various formats.

Azerbaijan is committed to continue its efforts in building capacity of various stakeholders of migration management in the region RTCM covers in order to contribute the implementation of GCM.


In the framework of the "Support for the establishment of a Regional Training Center onMigration in Azerbaijan" implemented jointly by the State Migration Service of the Republic ofAzerbaijan and the International Organization for Migration from November 1, 2020 to April 30, 2023, the establishment of the Regional Training Center on Migration which aims to enhance the capacities in migration management not only in Azerbaijan, but also in other countries in the region, was initiated.

Establishment of RTCM is a flagship initiative aimed at strengthening capacity building ofpersons working in migration field, academia, media, youth and other interested parties inneighboring countries of Azerbaijan, as well as countries of Central Asia, Middle East and Eastern Partnership. GCM is the central element of the content delivered by the Center.

Until now, more than 16 trainings have been organized with the participation of about 250 representatives from the 13 countries of the region, as well as Regional Curriculum on themain topics of the RTCM's activities has been developed, e- library and official website ( have been launched, and the Regional Expert Network has been established. Regional Curriculum of the Center is based on 10 core principles and 23 objectives of GCM. In addition, several trainings conducted at the national and regional levels within the Centerwere devoted to GCM and IMRF.

Also, the Center's communication and resource mobilization strategies were developed, and useful working discussions were held regarding the legal status and drafting of the relevant legal document on establishment and future activities of RTCM.

Considering that there is no similar structure in the field of migration in the region, the Centerwill play the role of a unique and specialized training and educational platform that contributes to the strengthening of potentials in the field of migration and the expansion of bilateral and multilateral cooperation at the regional level.

The initiative to create such a Center was positively assessed by the countries of the region, and their interest in participating in the activities of the RTCM was expressed.

In order to ensure the sustainability of the RTCM project, on March 2023, the Memorandum of Understanding between SMS and IOM was signed in order to strengthen cooperation onthe development of RTCM, which is planned to be established in Azerbaijan.

Although the project on RTCM has been completed, the Center’s activities continue. A work plan for RTCM for 2023 has been prepared and will be implemented within a year.


  • Yet to Start
  • In Progress
  • Completed

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).