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Decree For Central American nationals in the national territory

Decree For Central American nationals in the national territory

Human Mobility
Year of publication
Specific thematic area
Sector of governance
Human Mobility
Type of human mobility
Characteristics of human mobility
Type of environmental driver
Local governance marker
Not Available
Central America
Central America
Relevant GCM objective
    5 - Regular pathways
Child marker
Not Available
Gender marker
Not Available
Human rights marker
Not Available

I. Que Nicaragua, junto a los demás países del istmo centroamericano fueron seriamente afectados por los graves daños humanos y materiales que provocó el Huracán Mitch a su paso por nuestros territorios. II. Que los efectos devastadores provocados por el Huracán Mitch repercutirán negativamente en los procesos productivos regionales, en especial en lo que respecta al sector agrícola, perjudicando, principalmente a la población campesina. [...] IV. Que dada la magnitud de los efectos provocados por este desastre natural, se hace necesario flexibilizar las políticas migratorias beneficiando a nacionales de nuestros vecinos centroamericanos.

I. That Nicaragua, along with the other countries of the Central American isthmus, were seriously affected by the serious human and material damage caused by Hurricane Mitch as it passed through our territories. II. That the devastating effects caused by Hurricane Mitch will have a negative impact on regional production processes, especially with regard to the agricultural sector, harming mainly the rural population [...] IV. That given the magnitude of the effects caused by this natural disaster, it is necessary to make migration policies more flexible benefiting nationals of our Central American neighbors.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).