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Federal Law Concerning the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation

Federal Law Concerning the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation

Human Mobility
Year of publication
Specific thematic area
Sector of governance
Human Mobility
Type of human mobility
Characteristics of human mobility
Not available
Type of environmental driver
Disaster-related events
Local governance marker
Not Available
Eastern Europe
Eastern Europe
Author/issuing body
Ministry of Interior
Relevant GCM objective
    21 - Dignified return and reintegration
Child marker
Not Available
Gender marker
Not Available
Human rights marker
Not Available

1. Начатая в отношении иностранного гражданина, подлежащего реадмиссии, процедура реадмиссии приостанавливается в одном из следующих случаев: 6) возникновение чрезвычайной ситуации, стихийного бедствия, катастрофы, эпидемии, эпизоотии, иного чрезвычайного происшествия либо обстоятельства непреодолимой силы - до устранения последствий чрезвычайных обстоятельств.

Art. 32.4, §1.6 (introduced through Federal Law of 02.07.2013 N 178-ФЗ)

1. A readmission process initiated towards a foreign citizen subject to readmission is temporarily suspended in one of the following cases: 6) occurence of an emergency situation, natural disaster, catastrophe, epidemic, epizootic, and other emergency circumstances or force majeure - until the resolution of these circumstances.

Art. 32.4, §1.6 (introduced through Federal Law of 02.07.2013 N 178-ФЗ)

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).