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National Peace and Development Framework

National Peace and Development Framework

Sustainable Development
Year of publication
Specific thematic area
Sector of governance
Sustainable Development
Type of human mobility
Displacement, Migration
Characteristics of human mobility
Not available
Type of environmental driver
Local governance marker
Not Available
Southern Asia
Southern Asia
Relevant GCM objective
    21 - Dignified return and reintegration
Child marker
Gender marker
Human rights marker

Our approach to finding solutions for our displaced and returning citizens is a vital part of the national development strategy. This approach is built on these foundational principles: ▪ Full respect for the civil, political, social and economic rights of our displaced and returning citizens; ▪ Returning and displaced populations are a valuable source of human capital who can contribute to national development if provided with access to services and development opportunities; ▪ Reintegration of returning refugees and migrants, and durable solutions to internal displacement, must be a central part of Afghanistan’s development plans; ▪ Interventions in favor of returning refugees, migrants and IDPs should be built into existing development programs and follow a “whole of community” approach that complements humanitarian assistance and early recovery support; and ▪ Voluntary returns must be supported in conditions of safety and dignity. / Afghanistan is highly vulnerable to natural disaster and weather-induced shocks, whose impacts are magnified by the lack of preventive and adaptive infrastructure and social insurance. / Poverty is particularly severe in rural areas, where low productivity, poor market integration, and recurrent shocks not only replicate poverty over generations but also render these areas susceptible to migration, (...).

Ps. 6, 7

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).