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Organic Law on Human Mobility

Organic Law on Human Mobility

Human Mobility
Year of publication
Specific thematic area
Sector of governance
Human Mobility
Type of human mobility
Characteristics of human mobility
Type of environmental driver
Disaster-related events
Local governance marker
Not Available
South America
South America
Relevant GCM objective
    5 - Regular pathways
Child marker
Not Available
Gender marker
Not Available
Human rights marker
Not Available

Art. 58 - Personas en protección por razones humanitarias. Es la persona extranjera que sin cumplir los requisitos establecidos en la presente Ley para acceder a una condición migratoria, demuestra la existencia de razones excepcionales de índole humanitaria por ser víctima de desastres naturales o ambientales. La persona podrá acceder a una visa humanitaria por un lapso de hasta dos años de conformidad con el reglamento de esta Ley, siempre y cuando no sean considerados una amenaza o riesgo para la seguridad interna según la información que dispone el Estado ecuatoriano. Transcurrido este tiempo, de persistir las razones por las cuales solicitó la visa humanitaria, esta se podrá prorrogar hasta que cesen los motivos que dieron origen a la concesión de la visa, sin perjuicio de que en cualquier momento y previo al cumplimiento de los requisitos previstos en esta Ley pueda acceder a otra condición migratoria.

Art. 58

Art. 58 - Persons in protection for humanitarian reasons. It is the foreign person who, without meeting the requirements established in this Law to access a migratory condition, demonstrates the existence of exceptional reasons of a humanitarian nature for being a victim of natural or environmental disasters The person may access a humanitarian visa for a period of up to two years in accordance with the regulations of this Law, as long as they are not considered a threat or risk to internal security according to the information available to the Ecuadorian State. time, if the reasons for which the humanitarian visa was requested persist, it may be extended until the reasons that gave rise to the granting of the visa cease, without prejudice to the fact that at any time and prior to compliance with the requirements set forth in this Law can access another migratory condition.

Art. 58

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).