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Report on the Informal Multi-Stakeholder Consultation - Sub-regional Consultation for the ECOWAS region (Regional Review: Africa)

With the participation of all relevant stakeholders, the online meeting organized on Monday 31 May 2021 was an inclusive and multi-stakeholder consultation focusing on the implementation of the GCM in West African States. The purpose of the consultation was to bring stakeholders together from the ECOWAS Region to:

a) brief stakeholders on the current state of the regional review process

b) assess the progress made in the implementation of the GCM in the ECOWAS region

c) discuss challenges and/or opportunities with regards to the implementation of the GCM in the ECOWAS region

d) discuss future opportunities for meaningful stakeholder engagement in the region with regards to the GCM implementation

e) formulate key messages and recommendations to inform the ECOWAS Sub-regional Governmental Consultation that will take place on 5- 7 July 2021 

The informal consultation allowed different stakeholders to share experiences, views and challenges on the implementation of the GCM in the ECOWAS region. There are different gaps in the implementation and such initiative should contribute to speed up initiatives and create better conditions for monitoring and assessment. Participants requested better synergy spaces for better lessons learned perspectives and collective actions.

Date of Publication
Type of Resource
Source / Publisher
UN Network on Migration
Geographic Scope
Sub Regions
Western Africa
Workstream Output
Regional Review Process
GCM Objectives
Cross Cutting Theme
International cooperation
Human rights
Whole-of-society approach

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).