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UN workshop in Tajikistan

UN workshop in Tajikistan







4 facilitators: IOM, Network secretariat, UN RCO (Azerbaijan), stakeholder - European Policy Institute


20-21 November


  • Enhance understand of how to systematically integrate migration into UN Cooperation Frameworks (CF) and accompanying Common Country Analyses (CCA)

Agreed actions

  • Support the development of a GCM national implementation plan and integrates the GCM into UN planning and joint programming.

  • Operationalize Network tools and guidance, strengthening stakeholder engagement and exchanging, identifying, and submitting practices to the Migration Network Hub.

  • Develop a proposal / implement Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) Joint Programmes.

  • Map migration data.

  • Supporting governments & stakeholders on Regional Reviews and IMRF preparation (through the organization of multi-stakeholder consultations and briefings at the national level).

  • Supporting governments and stakeholders to identify, implement, and report on GCM pledges, ahead of the next GRF and IMRF.

  • Engaging with governments in the capital on the GCM Champion Country initiative.


*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).