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This workstream seeks to (1) support UN Country Teams to integrate migration into the design and/or implementation of Common Country Analyses or Cooperation Frameworks and (2) support Member States and stakeholders’ efforts to integrate the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) in national planning processes. These efforts aim to strengthen whole-of-UN, whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches for implementing the GCM and accelerate progress towards the SDGs. This work is central to the capacity-building mechanism, called for in the GCM and reiterated in the first IMRF Progress Declaration.



i. UN System Strenghtening

a. Develop a self-paced, e-learning programme

b. Launch e-learning programme and actively promote its use among Network and other partners

c. Roll out a regional Training of Trainers programme to develop multi-agency facilitation teams in each regional Network

d. Prepare and deliver country workshops through the Global Facilitation Team or regional teams in response to country-level requests, needs, and priorities

e. Support the identification and compilation promising practices, lessons learned, examples and/ or case studies on GCM implementation via roll out. Include the examples, practices, and/or case studies on the Migration Network Hub to strengthen peer learning and exchange

f. Produce materials in additional UN languages

Timeline: 2022-20024


  • Yet to start
  • In progress
  • Completed


ii. Implementing the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: Guidance for governments and stakeholders

a. Launch and actively promote the guidance

b. Provide technical assistance to governments and other partners to develop national GCM plans and/or integrate GCM objectives and principles into other planning efforts, using the guidance

c. Enhance/update guidance to support linking GCM implementation with Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) to the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

d. Support the identification and compilation of promising practices, lessons learned, case studies on GCM implementation. Include the examples, practices/ case studies on the Migration Network Hub and promote them to strengthen peer learning and exchange

e. Produce the guidance material in additional UN languages

Timeline: 2022-2024


  • Yet to start
  • In progress
  • Completed


*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).