Discussion Spaces
Climate Change Consultation
Climate Change Consultation
The next open consultation on climate and migration scheduled on 28 September 2021, will be an opportunity for the workstream co-leads to discuss with stakeholders on the future and ongoing priorities of Thematic Priority 4 and key messages and recommendations to share with Parties in the upcoming COP 26 negotiations.
Stakeholders are invited to consider the following guiding questions and provide inputs in the discussion space before, during and after the open consultation:
Discussion Space Detail Link
Discussion Questions & Comments
The second Secretary-General report on the implementation of the GCM will be released in February 2022.
Please be as specific as possible.
In consultation with members of Women in Migration Network:
In reply to The second Secretary-General… by Florence Kim
Please share one message per indent in not more than 150 words per key message.
In response to this question, please find attached the key messages for COP26 by the Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD).
In summary, they include:
In reply to Please share one message per… by Florence Kim
Does the UN Network on Migration have a plan for addressing the imbalances that are felt globally in terms of the impacts of climate change and how these force people to cross borders ?
The Network workplan on climate and migration (posted above) outlines a series of actions and products put forward by UN partners and stakeholders with the aim of sharing existing expertise and jointly identifying current challenges posed by the impacts of climate change on cross-border mobility. The key messages developed by the Network to date recommend ways of addressing the existing imbalances, in particulat by calling to scale-up efforts on adaptation. Looking ahead, it will be important to propose more capacity building solutions to further reduce these imbalances and to match commitments with action by increasing the available financial support for adaptation, including under the Migration Multi-Partners Trust Fund.
In reply to Does the UN Network on… by Mohamed Osman
Dear colleagues,
With huge thanks to those who already reached out to provide inputs, I am please to share UNICEF draft brief, Children Uprooted in a Changing Climate. This has been developed jointly with the UN Major Group for Children and Youth and IOM.
Comments from UN University, IUNHCR, YOUNGO, Major Group for Children and Youth, ODI, Africa Climate Mobility Initiative and our city partners, have already been included, but any additional feedback or inputs by Sunday 23 October would be most welcome!
Any feedback can be sent to me via email (lhealy@unicef.org) or on this discussion page.
We are planning a soft launch discussion with key partners and young people impacted by climate mobility next Wednesday 27 October. More details to follow!
Hello all,
I am part of a group conducting a survey to better understand gaps and priorities in the nexus of climate change, migration and health research. The project is being conducted in collaboration with Lancet Migration and the CliMigHealth network, with ethical approval granted by UCL REC (20849/001). The findings will be written into an academic paper for publication.
The survey takes roughly 10 minutes to complete and responses are anonymous and confidential. You can access the survey on the following link: https://opinio.ucl.ac.uk/s?s=74760
The deadline for responses is 24th October 2021
I would really appreciate your contribution, and if you could forward the survey to colleagues who are working on any combination of the above themes through research or praxis.
If you have any questions, queries or clarifications, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me on rita.issa@ucl.ac.uk
Many thanks in advance,
Hi all, as part of the call to "shape the narrative by sharing key messages, recommendations and/ or ask any questions... in the run-up to COP 26", I'd like to submit for discussion the recommendations put together by the Advisory Group on Climate Change and Human Mobility ("Calling for Climate Action on Human Mobility"). Hoping this may be a fruitful start as COP26 quickly approaches. Please let me know if you have any questions! (kayly [at] refintl [dot] org)
In light of the upcoming COP 26 negotiations, what are the key messages you would recommend Parties take into account in their discussions relating to migration in the context of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation?
In consultation with members of Women in Migration Network:
The Solidarity Center proposes three recommendations, and key to all is that workers and their communities must have a meaningful say in driving climate solutions:
1.) Climate adaptation planning and implementation must include the development of sustainable decent work options to promote greater resilience for communities, particularly from future shocks. We must focus on long-term planning and not just reactive short-term solutions to ensure that climate adaptation and resilience measures make migration a choice and not a necessity.
2.) As governments take on the mandate of the global compact to enhance better regular migration pathways, these pathways must account for projected climate displacement. As the climate crisis worsens, we cannot wait to develop a plan to integrate climate migrants into our societies and economies.
3.) All workers must be brought under full labor protections in line with international core labor standards. The freedom of association, right to organize and collectively bargain, and centering worker agency is crucial particularly for migrants regardless of their status, as they seek access to decent work in the face of extreme climate impacts.
I’m pleased to share this joint British Red Cross and IFRC report, Displacement in a Changing Climate, published today ahead of COP26.
Red Cross Red Crescent report reveals extent of the impact on people forced to flee their homes by floods, fires and drought around the world
This report presents a collection of case studies of how Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies worldwide are protecting and assisting communities in the context of climate-related displacement in Australia, Fiji, Germany, Honduras, Iraq, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Samoa, Tuvalu and Yemen. It calls for more ambitious climate action and investment in local communities and local organizations to address this urgent humanitarian challenge.
Many thanks for all of your contributions to the statement issued by the Network on the occasion of COP 26, we hope that the final statement reflects well your inputs.
The statement is available in all 6 UN languages in the link below: