This workstream is an ongoing thematic priority which aims to align the implementation of the GCM with that of the Paris Agreement and the UNFCCC, in line with GCM Objectives 2, 5, and 23 and IMRF Progress Declaration paragraph 74, and Task Force on Displacement (TFD) recommendation 1 (j).
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CLIMB Database launch event – Side event International Dialogue for Migration 2023
i. Organize a joint Network -Task Force on Displacement stakeholder consultation on the implementation of the GCM and GCR and linkages with the TFD recommendations (commitment from the TFD PoA 2022-2024).
Timeline: Q2 2023
ii. Develop and roll-out the Phase 2 of the “Implementing the Commitments Related to Addressing Human Mobility in the Context of Disasters, Climate Change and Environmental Degradation – A Baseline Analysis Report Under the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration”, to strengthen the capacity of States on analysing and advancing GCM implementation progress.
Timeline: 2022-2023
iii. Contribute to the development of the GCM indicators framework.
Timeline: 2022-2023
iv. Create synergies between GCM Migration MPTF-funded programming and programming funded by climate funds (e.g. GCF, AF, GEF, loss and damage funds), based on the TFD technical guide on access to finance to avert, minimize and address displacement as a form of loss and damage associated with climate change
Timeline: 2022-2024
v. Contribute to the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD), including the roundtable on “The impact of climate change on human mobility: preventive action, humanitarian action and development” and preparatory activities
Timeline: 2022-2024
vi. Organize an Expert Dialogue on “Implementing the Network Guidance Note on Regular Pathways for Admission and Stay for Migrants in Situations of Vulnerability in the Context of Disasters, the Adverse Effects of Climate Change and Environmental Degradation”
Timeline: 2023
vii. Develop a policy brief on “Addressing the human rights protection needs of migrants in vulnerable situations in the context of sudden-onset and slow-onset disasters”
Timeline: 2023
viii. Organize a capacity building workshop on migration, climate change and human rights for GCM Champions
Timeline: 2023-2024
ix. Organize joint Network and TFD events in relevant policy fora (incl. in UNFCCC – COPs, the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture, the Loss and Damage track, the Adaptation track, - and in GCM regional reviews) to advocate for and give visibility to human mobility in the context of disasters, climate change and environmental degradation
Timeline: 2022-2024
x. Develop and disseminate communication products on the workplan products (visual publications, newsletter articles, infographics, social media messages, website uploads)
Timeline: 2022-2024