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This workstream seeks to promote the implementation of Network Global Guidance on Bilateral Labour Migration Agreements (BLMAs) to assist countries of origin and destination to design, negotiate, implement, monitor and evaluate rights-based and gender-responsive BLMAs, based on a cooperative and multi-stakeholder approach.



i. Operationalize the Global Guidance on Bilateral Labour Migration Agreements by responding to requests from the field from governments, national Networks and other stakeholders to carry out capacity-building activities on a needs basis throughout 2022-24. It will focus on the following activities:

a. Acting as a coordination platform

b. Supporting capacity development based on the Global Guidance

c. Updating the IOM-ILO-ITC e-course on bilateral labour migration agreements

Timeline: 2024


  • Yet to start
  • In progress
  • Completed



*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).