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GCM Talks: Measuring progress: GCM indicators

The GCM-Talks is a platform to support Member States, the United Nations system and stakeholders to continue
discussions  on  how  best to  implement  the  Global  Compact  for  Safe, Orderly  and  Regular  Migration, and  will  be central to the UN Network on Migration’s contribution to mandates emerging from the Progress Declaration of the first International Migration Review Forum.

The Network workstream  on "Development  of  a  proposed  limited  set  of  indicators  to  review  progress related to GCM implementation”, co-led  by  IOM  and  UN  DESA,  and  its membership is comprised of representatives of UN entities and other relevant stakeholders, convened this first GCM-Talk to  introduce its working modalities and share a proposed timeline of activities for 2023-2024.

A preliminary overview of the responses given by Member States and other relevant stakeholders to the questionnaire
soliciting feedback on the purpose and main elements of the limited set of indicators was also presented.

This event is one in a series of briefings and consultations that the workstream is organizing to ensure that Member States and other relevant stakeholders are fully involved and consulted throughout the process.

Date: , -
Location: Online Zoom webinar
Type of Event
Event Category
Main organizer/s
UN Network on Migration
Other Main organizer/s
UN Network on Migration Workstream on GCM indicators
Target Audience
Geographic Scope
Workstream Output
Regional Review Process
GCM Objectives
1 - Data

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).