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Key Messages around COP 27
Key Messages around COP 27
The upcoming COP 27 on 6-18 November 2022 is an opportunity to amplify common messaging on the interlinkages between climate change and migration.
The Principals of the Network will be issuing a statement on the occasion of COP 27 to this end. We therefore invite you to share 2-3 Key Messages which may inform this work.
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COP27 is the implementation COP:
1. Invite Parties to the UNFCCC to implement the recommendations of the Task Force on Displacement, to avert and minimize displacement as part of building resilience (Article 2.1b of the Paris Agreement)
2. Invite the UNFCCC financial mechanism to facilitate funding to countries which submit bankable proposals that make migration a feasible, safe, regular way to adapt to adverse effects of climate change should certain areas lose their habitability related to climate change.
3. Invite UN agencies to build the capacity of countries to coordinate legislation, regulation, information and data which help avert and minimize displacement.
"Without migrants, nothing migrants. Migrants' are not equal in all forums, they will be principale."
I am a returnee migrant, migrant rights activist, and community development worker at home and abroad. Mainly my concern is for the interest of migrants and the migrants' community.
Therefore, I would request to involve migrant workers, members of their families & communities at every stage of migration & development forums to achieve the goals. Migrant workers are no longer laboratory guinea pigs or raw materials of development tools. They are also development partners. If migrant workers can contribute to the development of both the Countries of Origin (COO) and Countries of Destinations (COD) through their talents, labor, and remittances. Then, why are they not capable of any important positions at the following stages?
Some might say that migrants are also part of the Civil Society Organization (CSO). But I think and have tried to say in various regional and international forums that migrant workers are a less privileged population. By organizing them, training them, empowering them and special privileges to include them in various forums and activities. With the empowerment and involvement of migrant workers, Development will be sustained.
Pillar # 01: Labor migration is an ongoing process and crosscutting issues are a combination of many causes. For example, climate change, disaster, environment, etc. Each cause has multiple symptoms. Therefore, advance preparation is required. Our experiences of the 1990 Gulf Crisis, the 2011 Libya and the 2022 Russia-Ukraine Crisis seem not to be well prepared. It is important to have an observation team and an emergency fund under the supervision of the IOM.
Pillar # 02: Migrant CBOs (Community Based Organizations) and Trade Unions need to be addressed as a priority base and expand the discussion space, Dialogue series, and capacity building to their doors.
The Solidarity Center is the largest US-based international worker rights organization assisting workers worldwide as they organize for their rights, equity, and dignity in their workplaces and communities in over 60 countries globally.
We propose three recommendations, and key to all is that workers and their communities must have a meaningful say in driving climate solutions:
1.) Climate adaptation planning and implementation must include the development of sustainable decent work options to promote greater resilience for communities, particularly from future shocks. We must focus on long-term planning and not just reactive short-term solutions to ensure that climate adaptation and resilience measures make migration a choice and not a necessity.
2.) As governments take on the mandate of the global compact for migration to enhance better regular migration pathways, these pathways must account for projected climate displacement. As the climate crisis worsens, we cannot wait to develop a plan to integrate climate migrants into our societies and economies.
3.) All workers must be brought under full labor protections in line with international core labor standards. The freedom of association, right to organize and collectively bargain, and centering worker agency is crucial particularly for migrants regardless of their status, as they seek access to decent work in the face of extreme climate impacts.
Key Messages from Public Services International (PSI):
We need to understand climate migration, not in isolation, but with its complex interlinkages with social, political and economic factors, including in the context of the pandemic and other crises. This is crucial so we can build an approach that is people-centered, gender-responsive and grounded on sustainable development and the SDGs.
PSI’s response to these interlinking challenges is rooted on three demands, i.e. 3 Key Messages: climate justice, human rights, and quality public services.
COP27 Messages from International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
The global labour movement’s demands centre around Just Transition that secures the future and livelihoods of workers and their communities in the transition to a low-carbon economy. It is based on social dialogue between workers and their unions, employers, and government, and consultation with communities and civil society. A plan for Just Transition provides and guarantees better and decent jobs, social protection, more training opportunities and greater job security for all workers affected by global warming and climate change policies.
Our specific demands from governments at COP27 relating to climate driven migration and displacement are: