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Experts Database

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In partnership with IMISCOE’s Migration Research Hub, this database provides access to a range of migration experts from around the world. The academics and researchers registered with IMISCOE contribute their publications and expertise to further innovation in the field of migration studies, bringing knowledge on a range of topics related to the Global Compact for Migration. Links to their research are provided in their profiles. Search the database below by expertise and location to find an expert and review their latest work. Sign-in to contact an expert directly.

Disclaimer: Contact with the experts is facilitated via the Migration Research Hub and inclusion in this database does not signify endorsement by the United Nations Network on Migration or its members.

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Peer review roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more about the review criteria here

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Experts database

Search Results
Displaying 2311 - 2320 of 2404
University of Sydney
ARC DECRA Research Fellow

Leah Williams Veazey is ARC DECRA Research Fellow in the Sydney Centre for Healthy Societies in the School of Social and Political Sciences at The University of Sydney. She is the author of the award-winning book Migrant Mothers in the Digital Age (2021, Routledge) and has published widely in the areas of migration, parenthood, digital cultures, and experiences of health and healthcare. Her research uses qualitative methods, most commonly in-depth interviews, to explore contemporary social experiences, with a focus on the intersections of health, mobility and relational sociology.

Leah's current research, funded by an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) entitled "Future-proofing Australia's Care Economy", explores the intersections of work, migration and care in the lives of healthcare workers and healthcare students. Specifically, the project explores how healthcare workers’ family relationships and informal care responsibilities shape their migration decisions, experiences in the workplace and plans for the future.

Leah co-convenes The Australian Sociological Association’s Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Thematic Group, and co-leads the Migration, Im/mobility and Belonging Research Theme at the Sydney Centre for Healthy Societies. She is Associate Editor at the Australian Journal of Social Issues, and an Associate Investigator at the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child.

Leah completed her PhD in Sociology at the University of Sydney, a qualitative study of migrant mothers and their online communities in Australia, supervised by Associate Professor Catriona Elder and Professor Susan Goodwin. Since then, she has taught across the Discipline of Sociology & Criminology and the School for Public Health, and has worked on a number of research projects, including an ARC-funded project on the history of sociology, led by Associate Professor Fran Collyer, and an NHRMC-funded project on the experiences of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, led by Professors Lyn Gilbert and Alex Broom. Her recent projects include experiences of contemporary cancer care, the social life of death, and the social dimensions of antimicrobial resistance.

  • University of Sydney
    ARC DECRA Research Fellow
  • The University of Sydney
    Postdoctoral Research Associate
  • The University of Sydney
    Research Officer
  • University of Sydney
    Research assistant
  • University of Sydney School of Public Health

Leah Williams Veazey is ARC DECRA Research Fellow in the Sydney Centre for Healthy Societies in the School of Social and Political Sciences at The University of Sydney. She is the author of the award-winning book Migrant Mothers in the Digital Age (2021, Routledge) and has published widely in the areas of migration, parenthood, digital cultures, and experiences of health and healthcare. Her research uses qualitative methods, most commonly in-depth interviews, to explore contemporary social experiences, with a focus on the intersections of health, mobility and relational sociology.

Leah's current research, funded by an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) entitled "Future-proofing Australia's Care Economy", explores the intersections of work, migration and care in the lives of healthcare workers and healthcare students. Specifically, the project explores how healthcare workers’ family relationships and informal care responsibilities shape their migration decisions, experiences in the workplace and plans for the future.

Leah co-convenes The Australian Sociological Association’s Migration, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism Thematic Group, and co-leads the Migration, Im/mobility and Belonging Research Theme at the Sydney Centre for Healthy Societies. She is Associate Editor at the Australian Journal of Social Issues, and an Associate Investigator at the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child.

Leah completed her PhD in Sociology at the University of Sydney, a qualitative study of migrant mothers and their online communities in Australia, supervised by Associate Professor Catriona Elder and Professor Susan Goodwin. Since then, she has taught across the Discipline of Sociology & Criminology and the School for Public Health, and has worked on a number of research projects, including an ARC-funded project on the history of sociology, led by Associate Professor Fran Collyer, and an NHRMC-funded project on the experiences of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, led by Professors Lyn Gilbert and Alex Broom. Her recent projects include experiences of contemporary cancer care, the social life of death, and the social dimensions of antimicrobial resistance.

Trinity College
Associate Professor

Abigail Fisher Williamson researches and teaches on immigration policy, health policy, urban politics, and civic engagement. Her book Welcoming New Americans? Local Governments and Immigrant Incorporation (University of Chicago Press, 2018) explains why cities welcome immigrants and how these efforts both promote and restrict incorporation. She is a co-editor of The Politics of New Immigrant Destinations: Transatlantic Perspectives (Temple University Press, 2017). She works with an interdisciplinary team of scholars on the AmeRicans' Conceptions of Health Equity Study (ARCHES), which examines how people form and change their understandings of whose health deserves society's attention and investment. Her research has received funding from the Pew Charitable Trusts, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Ruth Landes Memorial Fund, and Time-Sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences (TESS).

From 1998-2001, Professor Williamson worked for the Eurasia Foundation in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, ultimately as Associate Country Director for the Foundation’s Tbilisi, Georgia office. From 2003-2005, she served as a Research Associate and then as Associate Director of the Saguaro Seminar for Civic Engagement at Harvard’s Kennedy School.

  • Trinity College
    Associate Professor

Abigail Fisher Williamson researches and teaches on immigration policy, health policy, urban politics, and civic engagement. Her book Welcoming New Americans? Local Governments and Immigrant Incorporation (University of Chicago Press, 2018) explains why cities welcome immigrants and how these efforts both promote and restrict incorporation. She is a co-editor of The Politics of New Immigrant Destinations: Transatlantic Perspectives (Temple University Press, 2017). She works with an interdisciplinary team of scholars on the AmeRicans' Conceptions of Health Equity Study (ARCHES), which examines how people form and change their understandings of whose health deserves society's attention and investment. Her research has received funding from the Pew Charitable Trusts, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Ruth Landes Memorial Fund, and Time-Sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences (TESS).

From 1998-2001, Professor Williamson worked for the Eurasia Foundation in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, ultimately as Associate Country Director for the Foundation’s Tbilisi, Georgia office. From 2003-2005, she served as a Research Associate and then as Associate Director of the Saguaro Seminar for Civic Engagement at Harvard’s Kennedy School.

VID Specialized University

Zubia Willmann-Robleda (Ph.D.) is currently working as a researcher at the Centre for Intercultural Communication (SIK) at VID Specialised University, Stavanger, Norway. She has experience working on research projects on asylum seekers’ experiences of the asylum and resettlement system, labour market participation of newly arrived refugees, on the protection needs of newly arrived refugees from domestic violence and honour-related violence and women and girls on the move in the Balkans among others. Willmann-Robleda also teaches and supervises at bachelor and master level on topics related to migration, intercultural relations and competence, religion and migration, social sciences, qualitative methods, and academic writing. Her research interests are primarily within the fields of migration, gender, and religion. Willmann-Robleda is particularly interested in asylum systems, bordering practices, and state violence towards migrants, as well as issues related to migrant inclusion/exclusion, discrimination, and gender-related issues in migration.

  • VID Specialized University

Zubia Willmann-Robleda (Ph.D.) is currently working as a researcher at the Centre for Intercultural Communication (SIK) at VID Specialised University, Stavanger, Norway. She has experience working on research projects on asylum seekers’ experiences of the asylum and resettlement system, labour market participation of newly arrived refugees, on the protection needs of newly arrived refugees from domestic violence and honour-related violence and women and girls on the move in the Balkans among others. Willmann-Robleda also teaches and supervises at bachelor and master level on topics related to migration, intercultural relations and competence, religion and migration, social sciences, qualitative methods, and academic writing. Her research interests are primarily within the fields of migration, gender, and religion. Willmann-Robleda is particularly interested in asylum systems, bordering practices, and state violence towards migrants, as well as issues related to migrant inclusion/exclusion, discrimination, and gender-related issues in migration.

Slovak Academy of Sciences

Mgr. Martina Wilsch, PhD. works as a researcher at the Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Her research focuses on migration, care, transnationalism, transnational family practices, gender, and migrant integration into society. As a researcher, she collaborated on many research projects at the national and international levels. She has long cooperated with the Migration Policy Group in Brussels (as national coordinator and member of the editorial board of the European website on integration, MIPEX research), as well as with other Slovak and international organizations active in the field of human and women's rights, migration, integration, and gender. Her recent research includes transnational family practices and social reproduction in migrant families in Slovakia.

  • Slovak Academy of Sciences

Mgr. Martina Wilsch, PhD. works as a researcher at the Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Her research focuses on migration, care, transnationalism, transnational family practices, gender, and migrant integration into society. As a researcher, she collaborated on many research projects at the national and international levels. She has long cooperated with the Migration Policy Group in Brussels (as national coordinator and member of the editorial board of the European website on integration, MIPEX research), as well as with other Slovak and international organizations active in the field of human and women's rights, migration, integration, and gender. Her recent research includes transnational family practices and social reproduction in migrant families in Slovakia.

University of Edinburgh
PhD Candidate

I am a PhD candidate in New Testament and Christian Origins at the University of Edinburgh's School of Divinity. My current research analyses the Book of Acts through the lens of migration studies (looking at how the text describes migration and is the product of ancient migration). I have also been involved in refugee and asylum support in the third sector for over a decade, in both Greece and the UK. I am also a part-time lecturer in Bible and Theology at Tilsley College in Motherwell.

  • University of Edinburgh
    PhD Candidate
  • Parkhead Nazarene
    Refugee/Asylum Programme Coordinator

I am a PhD candidate in New Testament and Christian Origins at the University of Edinburgh's School of Divinity. My current research analyses the Book of Acts through the lens of migration studies (looking at how the text describes migration and is the product of ancient migration). I have also been involved in refugee and asylum support in the third sector for over a decade, in both Greece and the UK. I am also a part-time lecturer in Bible and Theology at Tilsley College in Motherwell.

Wilfrid Laurier
Associate Professor

Stacey Wilson-Forsberg is Associate Professor in the Human Rights and Human Diversity program at Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario, Canada and the current Director of the Tshepo Institute for the Study of Contemporary Africa. Stacey has several SSHRC-funded research projects underway which explore the educational and labour market transitions of African immigrant and refugee youth in Canada. She is also co-leading a SSHRC-funded study and book called "Life in Unintended Destinations: Stories of Migrants Stranded en route to the EU and North America.

  • Wilfrid Laurier
    Associate Professor

Stacey Wilson-Forsberg is Associate Professor in the Human Rights and Human Diversity program at Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario, Canada and the current Director of the Tshepo Institute for the Study of Contemporary Africa. Stacey has several SSHRC-funded research projects underway which explore the educational and labour market transitions of African immigrant and refugee youth in Canada. She is also co-leading a SSHRC-funded study and book called "Life in Unintended Destinations: Stories of Migrants Stranded en route to the EU and North America.

Macquarie University
Professor of Sociology

Amanda's research interests include comparative work on global cities and diversity; materialities, civilities, and 'sensibilities' of urban life; multiculturalism and 'lived diversity' (especially 'everyday multiculturalism'); race and interethnic relations; social cohesion & integration; cultural attachments to and formations of place, especially in relation to multicultural cities; national and cultural identities; diasporic, transnational and migrant communities and migration more generally; settlement experiences of asylum seekers and refugees; labour mobility in and from Asia; and experiences of low wage migrant labourers in Australia and Asia.

Amanda has held a number of large Australian Research Council Grants and has extensive experience in advising and undertaking commissioned research for government on issues of diversity and strategies to tackle racism. Amanda has supervised numerous PhD projects on topics surrounding everyday multiculturalism, transnational and diasporic communities, global cities, and migrant settlement

  • Macquarie University
    Professor of Sociology

Amanda's research interests include comparative work on global cities and diversity; materialities, civilities, and 'sensibilities' of urban life; multiculturalism and 'lived diversity' (especially 'everyday multiculturalism'); race and interethnic relations; social cohesion & integration; cultural attachments to and formations of place, especially in relation to multicultural cities; national and cultural identities; diasporic, transnational and migrant communities and migration more generally; settlement experiences of asylum seekers and refugees; labour mobility in and from Asia; and experiences of low wage migrant labourers in Australia and Asia.

Amanda has held a number of large Australian Research Council Grants and has extensive experience in advising and undertaking commissioned research for government on issues of diversity and strategies to tackle racism. Amanda has supervised numerous PhD projects on topics surrounding everyday multiculturalism, transnational and diasporic communities, global cities, and migrant settlement

Texas Tech University

Dr. Alexander W. Wiseman has more than 25 years of professional experience working with government education departments, university-based teacher education programs, community-based professional development for teachers, and as a classroom teacher in both the U.S. and East Asia. Dr. Wiseman examines and informs educational policy development, leads strategic planning workshops, provides evidence-based training programs, speaks internationally and presents extensively in the areas of refugee and forced im/migrant education, evidence-based decision-making, teacher preparation and professional development, strategic planning, system assessment and reform, education policy, change management, equitable educational access for girls and boys, institutional capacity building, school-to-work transition, and civic education. Dr. Wiseman's research uses large-scale education datasets on math and science education, information and communication technology (ICT), teacher preparation, professional development and curriculum as well as school principal's instructional leadership activity. He serves on the editorial board of Educational Administration Quarterly and Educational Researcher and is the author or editor of more than 100 articles, chapters, and books. He is the series editor of the volume series, International Perspectives on Education and Society, and the senior editor of the journal, FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education.

  • Texas Tech University
  • Lehigh University
  • The University of Tulsa
    Associate Professor

Dr. Alexander W. Wiseman has more than 25 years of professional experience working with government education departments, university-based teacher education programs, community-based professional development for teachers, and as a classroom teacher in both the U.S. and East Asia. Dr. Wiseman examines and informs educational policy development, leads strategic planning workshops, provides evidence-based training programs, speaks internationally and presents extensively in the areas of refugee and forced im/migrant education, evidence-based decision-making, teacher preparation and professional development, strategic planning, system assessment and reform, education policy, change management, equitable educational access for girls and boys, institutional capacity building, school-to-work transition, and civic education. Dr. Wiseman's research uses large-scale education datasets on math and science education, information and communication technology (ICT), teacher preparation, professional development and curriculum as well as school principal's instructional leadership activity. He serves on the editorial board of Educational Administration Quarterly and Educational Researcher and is the author or editor of more than 100 articles, chapters, and books. He is the series editor of the volume series, International Perspectives on Education and Society, and the senior editor of the journal, FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education.

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

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*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).