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Experts Database

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In partnership with IMISCOE’s Migration Research Hub, this database provides access to a range of migration experts from around the world. The academics and researchers registered with IMISCOE contribute their publications and expertise to further innovation in the field of migration studies, bringing knowledge on a range of topics related to the Global Compact for Migration. Links to their research are provided in their profiles. Search the database below by expertise and location to find an expert and review their latest work. Sign-in to contact an expert directly.

Disclaimer: Contact with the experts is facilitated via the Migration Research Hub and inclusion in this database does not signify endorsement by the United Nations Network on Migration or its members.

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Peer review roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more about the review criteria here

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Experts database

Search Results
Displaying 1571 - 1580 of 2374
University of Oxford
Postdoctoral Research Officer

Derya Ozkul is a postdoctoral researcher at the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford. She is currently working on refugee recognition regimes and the construction of vulnerability in refugee recognition and resettlement programs. Previously, Derya Ozkul worked as a lecturer and tutor at the University of Sydney, School of Social and Political Sciences. Her work involved social movements, diaspora activism, and transnationalism.

  • University of Oxford
    Postdoctoral Research Officer

Derya Ozkul is a postdoctoral researcher at the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford. She is currently working on refugee recognition regimes and the construction of vulnerability in refugee recognition and resettlement programs. Previously, Derya Ozkul worked as a lecturer and tutor at the University of Sydney, School of Social and Political Sciences. Her work involved social movements, diaspora activism, and transnationalism.

Virginia Commonwealth University
Assistant Professor

Assistant professor of political science, Virginia Commonwealth University;
Associate fellow, Institute for Policy Studies;
Scholar of migration, diaspora politics, and organized crime in Latin America;
Latin America policy advisor, Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign

  • Virginia Commonwealth University
    Assistant Professor

Assistant professor of political science, Virginia Commonwealth University;
Associate fellow, Institute for Policy Studies;
Scholar of migration, diaspora politics, and organized crime in Latin America;
Latin America policy advisor, Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign

Norwegian Institute for Social Research
Senior Researcher

I am a senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Social Research, whose interests have taken me to fieldworks in Syria, Iraq, Kosovo and Nigeria. While I have researched a variety of issues, ranging from selection criteria in refugee resettlement to border control at airports and human trafficking, my core competence lies in the field of return migration and return policies.

In my doctoral research I examined return migration to Iraqi Kurdistan, which also triggered a longstanding interest in the migration-corruption nexus. I have also taken part in a string of evaluations of assisted return from Norway to Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Kosovo.

Building on those experiences, I'm now coordinating the project Deporting Foreigners: Contested Norms in International Practice (NORMS, 2021-2024). NORMS cmpoaratively explores the norm dynamics of deportation from both host and origin state perspectives, in Norway, Sweden, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Ethiopia, and moroever within the EU's border agency, Frontex.

Previously, I have been affiliated with the Centre of Excellence in the Study of Civil War (CSCW) and the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), as well as the Department of Sociology and Human Geography and the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law at the University of Oslo, where I taught 'migration control'. I have also been a visiting scholar at the University of Sussex and at the University of Oxford.

  • Norwegian Institute for Social Research
    Senior Researcher

I am a senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Social Research, whose interests have taken me to fieldworks in Syria, Iraq, Kosovo and Nigeria. While I have researched a variety of issues, ranging from selection criteria in refugee resettlement to border control at airports and human trafficking, my core competence lies in the field of return migration and return policies.

In my doctoral research I examined return migration to Iraqi Kurdistan, which also triggered a longstanding interest in the migration-corruption nexus. I have also taken part in a string of evaluations of assisted return from Norway to Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Kosovo.

Building on those experiences, I'm now coordinating the project Deporting Foreigners: Contested Norms in International Practice (NORMS, 2021-2024). NORMS cmpoaratively explores the norm dynamics of deportation from both host and origin state perspectives, in Norway, Sweden, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Ethiopia, and moroever within the EU's border agency, Frontex.

Previously, I have been affiliated with the Centre of Excellence in the Study of Civil War (CSCW) and the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), as well as the Department of Sociology and Human Geography and the Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law at the University of Oslo, where I taught 'migration control'. I have also been a visiting scholar at the University of Sussex and at the University of Oxford.

Lund University
PhD Candidate

Agnese Pacciardi is a PhD canddiate at the University of Lund, Department of Political Science.
She investigates European external migration management policies in North and West Africa drawing on migration studies, border studies and security studies.

  • Lund University
    PhD Candidate

Agnese Pacciardi is a PhD canddiate at the University of Lund, Department of Political Science.
She investigates European external migration management policies in North and West Africa drawing on migration studies, border studies and security studies.

Universidade Estadual da Paraiba
Associate Professor
Joao Pessoa

Graduate programme of International Relations
Sergio Vieira de Mello Chair/NEPDA
State University of Paraiba (
Full Research Collaborator
Graduate Programme of Comparative Studies on the Americas
University of Brasilia
Senior Research Associate
Refugee Law Initiative
University of London

  • Universidade Estadual da Paraiba
    Associate Professor
    Joao Pessoa

Graduate programme of International Relations
Sergio Vieira de Mello Chair/NEPDA
State University of Paraiba (
Full Research Collaborator
Graduate Programme of Comparative Studies on the Americas
University of Brasilia
Senior Research Associate
Refugee Law Initiative
University of London

SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Studies, the Institute of International Studies of the Collegium of Socio-Economics of SGH Warsaw School of Economics and Head of the Migration Policies Research Unit at the Centre of Migration Research (CMR) of the University of Warsaw. She received her PhD in economics in 2013. She is on the Board of the Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA) and the Research Committee RC46 ‘Migration and Citizenship’ of the International Political Science Association (IPSA). She supports the European Commission Representation in Poland as an EU expert member of the Team Europe network. She is also a member of the International Steering Committee of the Metropolis Project, focused on international migration and migration policies. She has considerable experience as both a team leader and member in implementing cross-sector and multi-stakeholder projects co-funded by the National Science Centre, National Bank of Poland, Capital City of Warsaw, various ministries, EU Programmes (Horizon 2020, Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus+, Creative Europe), and others. Currently has been involved in two projects within Horizon 2020 dedicated to migration issues (RESPOND and Welcoming Spaces) and in many Jean Monnet actions (support to associations, centre of excellence, networks, projects etc.) focused on different aspects of EU studies. She coordinates at SGH the AMENET project – "The European Union, Mediterranean and Africa Integration in the Global Age" (2018-2021) of Erasmus+ Programme (Jean Monnet Networks, consortium leader: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Polish partner: SGH Warsaw School of Economics). She was a coordinator of the EUMIGRO project – “Jean Monnet Module on the European Union and the Contemporary International Migration – an Interdisciplinary Approach” (2016–2019) implemented at SGH Warsaw School of Economics and the EUSHARE project – “Connecting the European Union of Shared Aims, Freedoms, Values and Responsibilities” (2016–2020) conducted by the Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA). She has authored or co-authored book chapters, journal articles, working papers, research reports, and other texts in Polish, English or French covering international relations and economics, migration studies and EU studies, which has given her considerable experience and expertise to co-edit books and special issues of journals highly recognized by international publishers (including Wiley, Routledge, and Emerald). She has for many years now been a reviewer of various interdisciplinary scientific journals (e.g., International Migration, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, Journal of European Integration, Migration Studies—Review of Polish Diaspora, Central and Eastern European Migration Review, The Review of European Affairs, Polish Political Science Yearbook, Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe, etc.) and project proposals (e.g., under Horizon 2020). Marta’s main research interests include EU studies and migration and refugee studies. E-mail:

  • SGH Warsaw School of Economics
    Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Studies, the Institute of International Studies of the Collegium of Socio-Economics of SGH Warsaw School of Economics and Head of the Migration Policies Research Unit at the Centre of Migration Research (CMR) of the University of Warsaw. She received her PhD in economics in 2013. She is on the Board of the Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA) and the Research Committee RC46 ‘Migration and Citizenship’ of the International Political Science Association (IPSA). She supports the European Commission Representation in Poland as an EU expert member of the Team Europe network. She is also a member of the International Steering Committee of the Metropolis Project, focused on international migration and migration policies. She has considerable experience as both a team leader and member in implementing cross-sector and multi-stakeholder projects co-funded by the National Science Centre, National Bank of Poland, Capital City of Warsaw, various ministries, EU Programmes (Horizon 2020, Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus+, Creative Europe), and others. Currently has been involved in two projects within Horizon 2020 dedicated to migration issues (RESPOND and Welcoming Spaces) and in many Jean Monnet actions (support to associations, centre of excellence, networks, projects etc.) focused on different aspects of EU studies. She coordinates at SGH the AMENET project – "The European Union, Mediterranean and Africa Integration in the Global Age" (2018-2021) of Erasmus+ Programme (Jean Monnet Networks, consortium leader: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Polish partner: SGH Warsaw School of Economics). She was a coordinator of the EUMIGRO project – “Jean Monnet Module on the European Union and the Contemporary International Migration – an Interdisciplinary Approach” (2016–2019) implemented at SGH Warsaw School of Economics and the EUSHARE project – “Connecting the European Union of Shared Aims, Freedoms, Values and Responsibilities” (2016–2020) conducted by the Polish European Community Studies Association (PECSA). She has authored or co-authored book chapters, journal articles, working papers, research reports, and other texts in Polish, English or French covering international relations and economics, migration studies and EU studies, which has given her considerable experience and expertise to co-edit books and special issues of journals highly recognized by international publishers (including Wiley, Routledge, and Emerald). She has for many years now been a reviewer of various interdisciplinary scientific journals (e.g., International Migration, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, Journal of European Integration, Migration Studies—Review of Polish Diaspora, Central and Eastern European Migration Review, The Review of European Affairs, Polish Political Science Yearbook, Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe, etc.) and project proposals (e.g., under Horizon 2020). Marta’s main research interests include EU studies and migration and refugee studies. E-mail:

Universität Wien

Raffaella Pagogna is a doctoral candidate and lecturer at the Department of Geography and Regional Research at the University of Vienna, Austria. Her research primarily centers around migration infrastructures, governance, and decision-making processes. With a keen interest in comprehending the spatial and social implications of migration, she has conducted fieldwork in Ethiopia and Thailand.

  • Universität Wien
  • Masaryk University
  • University of Vienna
    Research assistant

Raffaella Pagogna is a doctoral candidate and lecturer at the Department of Geography and Regional Research at the University of Vienna, Austria. Her research primarily centers around migration infrastructures, governance, and decision-making processes. With a keen interest in comprehending the spatial and social implications of migration, she has conducted fieldwork in Ethiopia and Thailand.

About the Migration Network Hub

What is the Migration Network Hub?

The Hub is a virtual “meeting space” where governments, stakeholders and experts can access and share migration-related information and services. It provides curated content, analysis and information on a variety of topics.

The Hub aims to support UN Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Migration by serving as a repository of existing evidence, practices and initiatives, and facilitating access to knowledge sharing via online discussions, an expert database and demand-driven, tailor-made solutions (launching in 2021).

What content is displayed in the Hub?

The Hub aims to help you find information on migration, ranging from policy briefs and journal articles, existing portals and platforms and what they offer, to infographics and videos. The different types of resources submitted by users undergo peer review by a panel of experts from within the UN and beyond, before being approved for inclusion in the Hub. To provide guidance to users based on findings of the needs assessment, the content is ordered so that more comprehensive and global resources are shown before more specific and regional ones. Know a great resource? Please submit using the links above and your suggestion will be reviewed. Please see the draft criteria for existing practices here.

Apply to join the Peer Review Roster

Content submitted to the Migration Network Hub is first peer reviewed by experts in the field from both the UN and beyond. Applications are welcomed to join the roster on an ongoing basis. Learn more here.

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*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).