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Return and Reintegration

Return and Reintegration

Position Paper: Ensuring Safe and Dignified Return and Sustainable Reintegration

This paper identifies key principles, and the UN Migration Network's common position, on migrant return and reintegration. It seeks to assist Member States and stakeholders to facilitate the safe and dignified return and readmission, and sustainable reintegration, along with the other relevant GCM objectives.


Checklist: Ensuring Safe and Dignified Return and Sustainable Reintegration

This checklist is intended to be a practical resource to be used by Governments and other stakeholders in assessing current practices and policies, and also guiding design, implementation, and monitoring of processes and procedures related to return and reintegration, in order to assist them in putting the GCM into practice.


Mapping: Gaps and Positive Practices for Safe and Dignified Return and Sustainable Reintegration

This mapping provides a useful tool for raising awareness of different approaches and aims to contribute to a common understanding on how to best integrate people-centred, sustainable, human rights-based, gender-responsive, child-sensitive, whole-of-government and whole-of society approaches into future design, implementation and evaluation of return, readmission and reintegration practices.


Learn more about the work of the Network’s workstream on Promoting Safe, Dignified and Rights-based Return and Readmission, and Sustainable Reintegration.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).