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Meet the facilitation team

Meet the facilitation team

A multi-agency Global Facilitation Team is available to support UN Country Teams around the world operationalize the Facilitator’s Guide. The Facilitation Team works closely with regional and country Networks, including representatives from the Resident Coordinators’ Offices as relevant, to prepare for and deliver the training.

Arab States

Sarah Badr

Sarah Badr serves as the General Coordinator of the World Youth Forum (WYF), a dynamic platform that empowers global youth to exchange perspectives with world leaders. Badr is actively raising the awareness of challenges faced by young migrants and supporting the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration, especially through her current role as an African Youth Migration Ambassador by the IOM. Sarah Badr served as a regional focal point for the migration children and youth platform, where she represented the voices and interests of young people from the region during the first GCM reviews in the Arab Region. Badr holds a master's degree in engineering and finance from Imperial College London.

Tanja Dedovic

Tanja Dedovic is the Thematic Specialist for Labor Mobility and Social Inclusion for the IOM Regional Office in Cairo, Egypt. She has 26 years of working with IOM on Labour Mobility, Social Inclusion, Migration and Development.

Ayman Mohareb

Ayman Mohareb has developed a professional career of almost 22 years of working experience in UN agencies -including UNHCR and UNICEF- and International NGOs. He has been working with UNICEF Egypt for the last 15 years, of which more than 7 were at the Child protection in Emergencies Programs and Children on the Move. He is a certified trainer at the country level and MENA region’s level.

Martina Salini

Martina Salini is the Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Programme Analyst and Human Mobility focal point for UNDP Regional Bureau for Arab States Regional Hub in Amman. She previously worked for the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining for three years. She holds an MA in Law from the Bocconi University of Milan and an LL.M. in IHL and Human Rights from the Geneva Academy.

Misato Yuasa

Misato Yuasa is a Regional Liaison and Policy Officer at the IOM Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa. Over the past eight years with IOM out of her 16 years of professional career, she held leadership, coordination and programmatic positions in Lao People’s Democratic Republic as Head of Office, IOM Office to the UN in New York, and IOM Somalia Coordination Office in Kenya.

Asia and the Pacific


Bariyah is a former migrant worker and she has been organizing and advocating for the rights of women migrant workers since 2010. She is currently working with the International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF) as a program officer in the Asia Region. She organizes migrant domestic workers in countries of destination, provides training and technical support for migrant domestic worker's unions.

Nilim Baruah

Nilim Baruah is the Senior Migration Specialist at the ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. He has been Chief Technical Adviser of ILO technical cooperation labour migration projects in Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe/Central Asia and has headed IOM’s Labour Migration Division in Geneva from 2002-2007. He has authored several publications on labour migration, recruitment and remittances.

Deepa Bharathi

Deepa Bharathi is part of the ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) and working as the Chief Technical Adviser of a joint project called PROTECT focused on gender and labour migration. Prior to joining the ILO ROAP, Deepa worked in ILO Bangladesh and UN Women ROAP, based in Bangkok. In a career spanning 27 years, Deepa has worked on policy formulation, programme management, grassroots level organizing, advocacy, lobbying and campaigning related to gender equality, women’s rights, labour migration and worker’s rights in Asia.

Sebastian Boll

Sebastian Boll is a Migration & Displacement Specialist at UNDP’s Bangkok Regional Hub, providing technical advice on human mobility to countries across the Asia-Pacific. He is UNDP’s focal point for the regional UN Network on Migration.

Celia Finch

Celia Finch is a policy and strategy advisor, project manager, researcher, social innovator and evaluator committed to working alongside and supporting migrant communities to influence decisions that affect them. Currently, Celia is the Asia Pacific Regional Manager of the International Detention Coalition. Prior to that, Celia held senior policy roles in the Australian public service, coordinating settlement policy and working on Aboriginal Affairs. Celia also worked as a monitoring and evaluation consultant for the International Organisation for Migration Indonesia mission.

Nansiri Iamsuk

Nansiri Iamsuk is the Migration Programme Specialist at UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Her work focuses on the intersection of gender, development, humanitarian assistance in the context of migration. She has worked in different migration and displacement contexts including gender mainstreaming in labour migration governance, providing resettlement support to refugees, and supporting survivors of trafficking in person

Geertrui Lanneau

Geertrui Lanneau is the Senior Regional Specialist on Labour Mobility and Social Inclusion for the IOM Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. Geertrui has over 15 years of professional experience in the UN System. She has worked for UNDP and IOM in Africa, Europe and Asia. Her main areas of expertise are labour migration, migrant inclusion and the linkages between migration and development.

Phumza Manqindi

Phumza Manqindi is the Senior Regional Policy and Liaison Officer in the IOM Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. She has a solid background and capability for partnership development and management having worked with various stakeholders in her previous positions, including with government, intergovernmental institutions, international development partners, private sector, NGOs and civil society for over 15 years. In her most recent position as Senior Liaison Officer to the African Union and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, based in Addis Ababa, she successfully led the coordination of stakeholder engagement during the 1st A GCM Regional Review Process for Africa. Additionally, Phumza led and coordinated the development of the inaugural publication of the Africa Migration Report, an IOM and African Union Commission joint publication. Phumza holds an MA in Language Studies from the University of Free State in South Africa and a Certificate in Development Studies from the London School of Economics.

Tawanda Matanda

Tawanda Matanda is a project specialist with 5+ years of UN experience, mainly with IOM, on migration projects. Tawanda is experienced in project support and management, grant writing and reporting, government liaison and policy work, inter-agency or cross functional collaboration, research and assessment development. Tawanda worked with Regional Offices in Southern Africa and Asia Pacific and with IOM in Zimbabwe on Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus issues.

Eshani Ruwanpura

Eshani Ruwanpura is the Child Protection Specialist for the UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia. Her experience includes working with young people on their sexual and reproductive health and rights; providing comprehensive sexuality education to adolescents and youth; addressing gender norms and harmful practices and alcohol and substance use by young people.

Narissa Seegulam

Narissa Seegulam is the UNSDCF Partnership and Programme Officer at the DCO Regional Office Asia Pacific. She has more than 15 years-experience with the UN in the areas of development coordination, strategic planning and partnerships, communications and advocacy, humanitarian coordination and recovery.

Vanessa Steinmayer

Vanessa Steinmayer is a Population Affairs Officer at the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), working on international migration, population ageing and other population and development issues. She contributed to organizing and servicing the intergovernmental meeting for the first regional review of the GCM in Asia and the Pacific in 2021 and the regional preparatory meeting for the GCM in 2017 and to  to several Asia-Pacific Reports on Migration. She also has previous work experience at the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). She holds a PhD in Economics from Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany.

Izza Leghtas

Izza Leghtas is a Human Rights Officer at the Office of Human Rights (OHCHR) based in Bangkok, where she works on the human rights of migrants in Asia Pacific including on labour migration, the rights of migrants in vulnerable situations, and strategic litigation. One of her areas of focus is advancing the work of the Regional UN Network on Migration, in particular on multistakeholder engagement. Before joining OHCHR in 2023, Izza led research and advocacy for the rights of refugees and migrants in human rights NGOs. She has a law degree from the University of Montpellier, France, a Masters in European Litigation from the University of Luxembourg, and an LLM from the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium.

East and Southern Africa

Nicola Brandt

Nicola Brandt has over 15 years of experience with UNICEF in child rights and child protection programme management, including in the East Asia and Pacific region, in Germany where Nicola led the child protection component of UNICEF’s Refugee and Migrant Response from 2016-2018, and at UNICEF Headquarters. Since 2023, Nicola is a Child Protection Specialist with the UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office in Nairobi, where she leads UNICEF’s regional efforts to strengthen child protection systems and protect children in the context of migration. Prior to joining UNICEF in 2007, Nicola worked as a human rights advisor to the German Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Geneva.

Dr. Ernest Dabire

Dr. Ernest Dabire is the Regional WHO AFRO Focal Point for Health and Migration and Team Lead for the Response to health emergencies for the WHO AFRO Dakar Hub. He is currently coordinating the EMR Team in the WHO Emergency Hub in Dakar Senegal, which is covering 27 countries in West and Central Africa.

Andrea Heath-London

Andrea Heath-London is the Coordination and Development Planning Specialist at the UN Development Coordination Office – Regional Office for Africa – Ethiopia. She is an ardent capacity development specialist with a love for knowledge transfer and skill-building, particularly in the field of Results Based Management.

Matlotleng Matlou

Matlotleng Matlou was born in South Africa and grew up largely across Africa and England, making him a Pan-Africanist through practical experiences, studies and work. Thus, he speaks from the heart - former exile, social scientist, researcher and activist whose doctoral thesis is on Botswana's Refugee Policy. Former South African government migration and tourism official, currently UNHCR staff at South Africa Multi-Country Office.

Nimo Mohamed Ali

Nimo Mohamed Ali is the Executive Director of Candle of Hope Foundation in Nairobi- Kenya and Hargeysa in Somalia. She has 15+ years of programmes management experience advocating for gender equality, child rights, and protection for vulnerable migrants in the UK, East Africa and Horn of Africa.

Dr. Abdi Mohamud Hersi

Dr. Abdi Mohamud Hersi is the Senior Regional Policy and Liaison Officer at the IOM East and Horn of Africa Regional Office. Abdi’s role is mainly to support IOM missions and Member States in migration policy development and capacity building. This includes leading the GCM initiatives and activities in the region as well as supporting IOM country offices and advocating for the establishment of relevant migration governance structures, including the establishment and operationalization of UN Networks on Migration. Prior to joining IOM, Abdi was the Knowledge Management and Learning Specialist for the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).

Fitriana Nur

Fitriana Nur is the Senior Regional Thematic Specialist Protection for Regional Office for Southern Africa of the International Organization for Migration, with 14 years of experiences developing and managing international development projects in Southeast Asia, Middle East North Africa, and East and Horn of Africa countries on a wide range of IOM’s thematic areas. In her current capacity, Ana is responsible for providing capacity development support, training, and general technical supports to member states, IOM’s country offices and regional office; support continental, regional, and country strategic planning exercises; and identifying emerging issues relevant to the thematic area and contributing to the development of thematic policies and reports.

Emmanuelle Renault

Emmanuelle Renault is an Associate Crime Prevention Officer at UNODC Programme Office in Madagascar. Emmanuelle is responsible for the implementation of a project aimed at reinforcing the criminal justice system of Madagascar to better counter Trafficking in Persons, especially child sexual exploitation. Emmanuelle is a fervent advocate of child and migrants rights.

Wonesai Workington Sithole

Wonesai Workington Sithole is the IOM Regional Policy and Liaison Officer for the IOM Regional Office in Southern Africa, responsible for policy development and advisory matters for 15 Member States. He has been working with IOM for over 17 years, with extensive experience in managerial positions. Before joining IOM, Wonesai worked for the WFP and for NGOs in humanitarian settings in Zimbabwe.

Europe and Central Asia

Tom Delrue

Prior to his position as Head of the Office of the Resident Coordinator in Türkiye, Tom was Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus Advisor to the RC/HC in Sudan and acting Head of RCO during the turmoil in Sudan in 2019. Before that he worked for the Senior Transformative Agenda Implementation Team – STAIT; the Global Cluster on Early Recovery/UNDP as Inter-Agency Early Recovery Advisor, where he focused on supporting the integration of early recovery into the humanitarian response and on the development of durable solutions strategies for displaced people; for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), a.o. on IDP protection; and for the UN Environment Programme focusing on reducing the environmental footprint of the humanitarian response. Before joining the UN, Tom worked, among other, for the ICRC in Somalia and Sri Lanka; Pax Christi Flanders in Kosovo, Serbia and Northern Ireland; as advisor to the Minister President of the Government of Flanders; and as consultant for the Harvard Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research (HPCR) and the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA). Tom wrote several articles, e.g. for the Forced Migration Review, and contributed to several guidance and policy documents on durable solutions, early recovery, and the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus. He is a former member of the Geneva Peace Building Platform Advisory Board. Tom studied law at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) and specialised in International Public Law at the Université II Pantheon-Assas, Paris

Dr. Simonida Kacarska

Dr. Simonida Kacarska is the Director of the European Policy Institute (EPI) in Skopje. She has more than 17 years of practitioner and research experience related to the political transformation and European integration of the Balkans with a focus on national minority policies. Her publication record includes both academic and policy related research.

Kanako Mabuchi

Kanako Mabuchi is the Head of the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office in Azerbaijan. She is a strategic planner and a change manager, with 18 years of experience working for the UN system in humanitarian, development and transition settings. Prior to Azerbaijan, she served in Timor-Leste, Zimbabwe, Myanmar, and Egypt, as well as in HQs of the UN Population Fund and the UN World Food Programme.

Oxana Maciuca

Oxana Maciuca is the Regional Human Mobility Adviser at UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub. She supports Country Offices on all issues pertaining to human mobility, migration and displacement. She has over 14 years of experience in the field of migration and socio-economic development, with a focus on policy making, local socio-economic development, diaspora engagement, remittances, and reintegration.

Ivana Manelli

Ivana Manelli serves at the IOM Regional Office for South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, where Ivana supports the functions of the Regional UN Network on Migration and assists IOM Missions in their work towards GCM implementation, follow-up and review processes. Ivana’s experience includes both Policy as well as Data and Research roles.

Aslak Solumsmoen

Aslak Solumsmoen heads the Inter-Agency and Partnership stream of UNHCR’s Regional Bureau for Europe. He coordinates the inter-agency refugee response to the war in Ukraine as per the Regional Refugee Response Plan. He co-chairs the IBC LMPDR together with UNDP and IOM. Aslak has extensive operational experience from the field, including as Head of Office for UNHCR in Aleppo, Kharkiv and Erbil.

Amr Taha

Amr Taha is the Senior Regional Liaison and Policy Officer for the IOM Regional Office for South East Europe, East Europe and Central Asia. Previously, he served as Head of IOM's Mission to Egypt, managing and overseeing multiple projects at country and regional level across the entire migration spectrum.

Lauranne Van Asch

Lauranne Van Asch works at the IOM Regional Office for South East Europe, East Europe, and Central Asia focusing on policy and inter-agency coordination. Lauranne assists country missions in ensuring the GCM is put into action and remains central to IOM's strategic efforts. Lauranne has facilitated the establishment of the Regional Network in 2020, and has continued to support its operations since then, including on GCM review processes and capacity-building initiatives for UNCTs.

Latin America and the Caribbean

Francesco Carella

Francesco Carella is a Senior Specialist on Labour Migration and Mobility, currently assigned to the ILO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean since June 2020. He represents the ILO on the regional UN Network on Migration and other relevant regional forums. Prior to ILO, Francesco has worked for IOM, UNHCR, UNDP and the UN Secretariat (Department of Political Affairs) on a range of issues related to migration and refugees, mostly in Africa, the Americas and the Arab States.

Byron Cárdenas Velasquez

Byron Cárdenas Velasquez has worked for over 8 years on migration for OHCHR Regional Office for Central America and the Caribbean and OHCHR country offices in Mexico and Honduras. Byron’s experience includes monitoring, documenting and investigating human rights violations of migrants and refugees in Central America, Mexico and the Dominican Republic. Byron provides technical assistance to governmental institutions, civil society organizations, national human rights institution in the incorporation of international human rights standards in migration governance measures, amongst others, public policies, law and judicial decisions.

Ferran Forcada

Ferran Forcada is the Regional Programme Officer for the DCO Latin America and the Carribbean Office. He promotes the use of a triple nexus approach in planning and programming documents including the CCAs and CFs. He also works part-time at the regional bureau of WFP in Latin America on strategic stakeholder engagement and provides advice on emerging issues regarding the UNDS reform.

Ericka Guevara

Ericka Guevara is the Regional Liaison and Policy Assistant for the IOM Regional Office for Central America, North America and the Caribbean. She has been a Member of the UN Network on Migration in LAC since its establishment, and has supported the GCM regional reviews, IMRF preparations, and GCM engagement with the RCM, among others.

Helena Olea

Helena Olea is the Deputy Director of Programs at Alianza Americas. She is an attorney licensed to practice law in Colombia, with an Ll.M. from the University of Notre Dame, United States. Helena has dedicated her professional life to the human rights of migrants, refugees, internally displaced persons, and women, combining advocacy, litigation, and teaching, working in non-governmental organizations in Colombia, Chile, and the United States.

Maria Olave

Maria Olave is the Coordinator of the Lazos Project on socio-economic integration of migrants in Latin America and the Caribbean for ILO. She has strong experience in project management, policy advocacy and communication campaigns.

Luis Carlos Rodríguez de la Cruz

Luis Carlos Rodríguez de la Cruz works as Forced Migration and Refugee Officer for Consultancy for Human Rights and Displacement. He has 12 years of experience working from civil society in advocacy processes on forced displacement and refugee dynamics in Colombia and Latin America. 

Johanna Saenz

Johanna Saenz is the UNDP Human Mobility Regional Advisor for Latin America and The Caribbean for the UNDP Regional Hub in Panama. She has 13 years of experience on human mobility working for the Colombian government and 3 years at UNDP. She has been a member of the Regional UN Network on Migration since it began.

Ezequiel Texidó

Ezequiel Texidó is the Regional Policy and Liaison Officer for the IOM Regional Office for South America. He has strong experience in migration research, with more than 20 years of experience as an academic giving course on this topic. He has previous professional experience in other international organizations and in the public sector of Argentina.

Pamela Villalobos

Pamela Villalobos is currently working at Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre (CELADE) in population and development matters, including the regional review process of the GCM and the set-up of a mechanism for the participation of civil society. She has over 20 years of experience in public policy, including a decade as a gender advisor for the Chilean Government.

West and Central Africa

Stephane Amani

Stephane Amani is the Regional Specialist on livelihood and economic recovery in Africa of UNDP based in Dakar. He is a Global Policy Network member and human mobility in the Western and Central Africa region. He has more than 20 years of strong and useful experience with UNDP at Country office and regional level and other relevant organizations.

Edlira de Andrés

Edlira de Andrés is serving at the IOM Regional Office for West and Central Africa, and she is responsible for the coordination and strengthening of IOM’s policy and programmatic coherence in the Sahel, in line with the UNISS and other regional strategic frameworks. Edlira was previously based at the IOM Regional Office for East Africa and the Horn in Nairobi, serving as the Special Advisor to the Regional Director.

Ange Francois ATTA

Ange Francois ATTA is a Human Rights Officer currently based in Dakar, Senegal, working at the Regional Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights for West Africa, as Programme Coordinator of the PROMIS Project, which aims to promote a human rights-based approach to migration. He is also the Co-chair of the technical working group of the UN Regional Network on Migration for West and Central Africa. Ange ATTA previously served as OIC Project Coordinator and Head of the Technical Cooperation and Capacity Building Team within OHCHR Project supporting the G5 Sahel Joint Force with implementation of the Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Compliance Framework in Mauritania and Mali. Prior to that he served as a Child Protection Officer in several Peacekeeping missions in Cote d’Ivoire, DRC and CAR. Ange ATTA has over 15 years proven experience in the field of human rights training and capacity building. He has conducted numerous training sessions, including for military and police officers on a range of topics.

Charlotte Campo

Charlotte Campo is human rights officer at the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights – Regional Office for West Africa based in Dakar, Senegal, where she is the focal point for human rights and migration. She supports the Regional UN Network on Migration, co-led by OHCHR and IOM since 2019, and several national UN Networks on Migration in the region.

Sarah Carl

Sarah Carl is a German Bar Lawyer who specialized in international and human rights law in Germany and the UK. She works as Project Manager and Regional Policy and Liaison Officer at the IOM Regional Office for West and Central Africa in Dakar, where she also manages a MIRAC project supporting the Network of Legal Experts on Migration in West and Central Africa and its set-up.

Mamadou Goïta

Mamadou Goïta (PhD) is a development Socio-Economist and specialist in education and training systems, a researcher and university teacher from Mali. Mamadou is the Executive Director of IRPAD/Afrique (Institute for Research and Promotion of Alternatives in Development) and worked in the past for UNICEF, UNDP, OXFAM-Belgium and ACORD. Mamadou is a founding member and current steering committee chair of the Pan-African Network in the Defense of Migrants’ Rights-(PANiDMR) -a founding and board member of the Global Coalition on Migration. H Mamadou represented Africa CSOs in the whole Global Compact on Migration consultations and negotiation process.

Karen Lohse

Karen Lohse works as Regional Liaison and Policy Support Officer at IOM Regional Office for West and Central Africa in Dakar, supporting comprehensive migration policies and the UN Network on Migration in the region. She was previously based in Chad where she worked on migration governance, UN system strengthening, and the operationalization of the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus. She has a background in international affairs, mediation, communications, and volunteer engagement

Kahbila Mbuton

Kahbila Mbuton is a Human Rights Officer at the West Africa Regional Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Dakar, Senegal and supports the implementation of the PROMIS Project that seeks to promote a human rights-based approach to migration. In this role, Kahbila also supports the UN Regional Network on Migration for West and Central Africa. Kahbila previously served at OHCHR Uganda Country Office as Team Lead for the Legal Unit, focusing on rule of law & accountability, equality & non-discrimination.

Kristina Mejo

Kristina Mejo is the Senior Regional Liaison for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Regional Office for West and Central Africa in Dakar, Senegal. Kristina’s portfolio covers donor liaison and coordination, regional and country strategy development, and supporting the IOM missions in the West and Central Africa region. Kristina has worked over 19 years with IOM serving in Bangladesh, Belgium, Burundi, Colombia, Egypt, and Thailand. She has a master’s in international relations from the University of Kent at Canterbury, and a Bachelor of Arts in Government and French Studies from Smith College in Massachusetts, USA.

Donghyuk Park

Donghyuk is the Head of Program at IOM Guinea, bringing over a decade of experience in project management, international migration, partnership from diverse IOM offices in West Africa, and in Europe. His focus includes border management, peacebuilding, disaster risk reduction, and migration and development. Before joining IOM, Donghyuk worked in broadcasting journalism and conducted academic research on South Asian migration in France and role of the informal sector in the migration process. He holds a BA in South Asia Studies and an MA in migration studies.

Bubacarr Singhateh

Bubacarr Singhateh is the Migration Officer for the Sahel Region for International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). He has 24 years of volunteering experience working in the humanitarian field with the Red Cross and has engaged and contributed to many GCM and IMRF-related processes at all levels since 2017.

Aron Teklegzi

Aron Teklegzi is the Project Manager based in IOM Accra leading the support to the implementation of the GCM in Ghana. A lawyer by training, Aron has been working with IOM since 2016, with responsibilities in policy and governance, labour migration, skills development, and employment service provision. Before moving to Ghana, Aron served as head of Labour Migration and Human Development in IOM The Gambia.

Jocelyne Sandra Yama

With over a decade of experience in sustainable development, Jocelyne Sandra Yama joined the UN in 2017 and the DCO-ROA in Dakar in December 2021. Besides supporting the design process and implementation of cooperation frameworks in West and Central African countries, as well as conducting in-depth reviews of common country analysis, she provides technical and analytical support to the network of 53 DCO-ROA economists across Africa, promoting peer learning, knowledge sharing and coordinating the development of policy briefs while ensuring the integration of the human rights-based approach into macroeconomic analysis. Prior to this position, Jocelyne Sandra Yama served as an economist at RCO and UNDP in Congo, where she contributed to the contextualization and prioritization of the 2030 Agenda. She also played a central role in the design, implementation and launch of the SDG Accelerator Labs. She also served as an advisor to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Planning and Development, and Evaluation specialist for Safety nets system programme with the World Bank and the Agence Française pour le Développement in Congo.


Katy Barwise

Katy Barwise is the Senior Programme Manager in the secretariat of the United Nations Network on Migration in Geneva, where her role focuses on supporting the planning of governments, the UN system and stakeholders to implement the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.

Veronica Bertalot

Veronica Bertalot is the Project and Administrative Assistant in the secretariat of the United Nations Network on Migration in Geneva. Her role focuses on providing logistical, organizational and administrative assistance for efforts to support governments, the UN system and stakeholders to implement the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.

Aly Emeira

Aly Emeira (he/him) is a Regional Development Coordination Specialist at the UN Development Coordination Office (DCO) Regional Office for Africa. He currently supports the Joint Secretariat of the Africa Regional Collaborative Platform (RCP) that serves as the main inter-agency forum for the UN regional development system operating in Africa. Previously, he worked for several humanitarian and development actors, including the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office (RCO) in the Central African Republic as the Sexual Violence and Gender Specialist and in the Office of the UN-SRSG on Sexual Violence in Conflict. He holds an MA in EU Diplomacy from the College of Europe and an MA in International Relations from Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. He is fluent in Arabic, French, English and Spanish.

Franz Fischer

Franz Fischer works as Associate Migration Policy & Liaison Officer for the UN Network on Migration Secretariat in Geneva. He supports the global Network functions, co-coordinates the workstreams and liaises with regional and country networks.  Previously, he monitored and evaluated the UNSDCF implementation for one year as Development Effectiveness Officer for the UN RCO in Jakarta.

Silvia Gómez Moradillo

Silvia Gómez Moradillo works as the Global Advocacy Coordinator of the International Detention Coalition (IDC) and is part of the co-leads of the UNNM Workstream on Alternatives to Detention. She previously worked with UNHCR in Malta as a focal point for the Syrian emergency, serving as a member of the first response and protection team and collaborating closely with national actors.

Dr. Dominik Kneer

Dr. Dominik Kneer is a human mobility specialist seconded to UNDP by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Dominik has over ten years of professional experience in the field of migration and forced displacement. Prior to joining UNDP, Dominik worked for the German Government, the European Commission in Brussels as well as UNCTAD in Geneva. Dominik holds a Ph.D. in International Law from the University of Bonn, Germany.

Anders Lisborg

Anders Lisborg is Senior Knowledge Management Specialist in the UNNM Secretariat in Geneva. He has 20 years of professional experience in migration management and international development cooperation. Previously, he has worked in Asia, Africa and Europe for various UN and international agencies, and as a government migration policy advisor. Anders has authored several publications on migration management, smuggling and trafficking.

Monami Maulik

Monami Maulik is the Civil Society Liaison Officer in the secretariat of the United Nations Network on Migration. She oversees the meaningful engagement of civil society and diverse stakeholder sectors in the implementation, follow up and review of the Global Compact for Safe, Regular and Orderly Migration (GCM). Prior to this, she served as International Coordinator for the Global Coalition on Migration and as a Steering Committee member of the Women in Migration Network (WIMN).  She has worked as an International Consultant for UN Women on gender, migration and development in Asia, developing protections for migrant women domestic workers in GCC countries. From 2000-2014, Ms. Maulik was the founder and Executive Director of DRUM- The South Asian Organizing Center in New York City organizing immigrant workers, families and youth.  She holds a master’s degree in public administration from Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and an undergraduate degree from Cornell University in International Development, Gender Studies and South Asian Studies.

Layla Mohseni

Layla Mohseni is a coordinator for the ‘Making Migration Safe for Women’ programme, implemented by UN Women in Ethiopia and at the global level. Layla has been working on gender equality and women’s economic empowerment for the past 7 years. She holds a Master of Arts degree in International Relations from King’s College London, where she was also a founding member of the King’s College London Migration Research Group.

Amy Muedin

Amy Muedin is the Deputy Head of the UN Network on Migration secretariat in IOM Headquarters in Geneva. Amy oversees the Global Network’s strategy and functions, working closely with the Network’s Executive Committee and workstreams. Amy has been with IOM since 2005, working at the Liaison Office to the United Nations in New York. Amy was seconded to the Office of the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) on International Migration, Ms. Louise Arbour, to support the process leading towards the adoption of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.

Dr. Charlotte Müller

Dr. Charlotte Müller is the Migration and Development Analyst at UNDP, based in the Crisis Bureau’s Recovery Solutions and Human Mobility Team. With expertise in private sector and diaspora engagement, she supports UNDP's involvement in the United Nations Network on Migration and the Global Forum on Migration and Development, while also driving project development and implementation related to migration and development more broadly.

Marcia Porras

Marcia Porras is Migration Policy Officer in the secretariat of the United Nations Network on Migration in Geneva. She plays a key role in supporting the engagement of governments, coordinating the workstream on GCM indicators, and liaising with regional networks. She also served as a seconded advisor to the Office of the President of the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly, where she coordinated the organization of the IMRF in 2022.

Paul Tacon

Paul Tacon has worked as a Labour Migration Specialist with the Labour Migration Branch of the International Labour Organization in Geneva since January 2021. His work covers ILO’s engagement on multilateral and interagency processes on international migration including ILO’s engagement in the Executive Committee of the United Nations Network on Migration and the Global Forum on Migration and Development. Prior to this he worked with IOM and the United Nations Regional Commissions for Western Asia and Asia and the Pacific.

Carlos Souto

Carlos Souto Luis works as Associate Project Officer in the Policy Support and Coordination Unit of IOM Headquarters in Geneva. He provides dedicated support to the Unit’s engagement with the GCM and the UN Network on Migration. Specifically, Carlos’ work focuses on the coordination of the activities of UN Network on Migration Workstream 6, providing support, technical assistance, and capacity-development for the implementation, follow up and review of the GCM to Member States, stakeholders and the UN System. Carlos also contributes to related IOM capacity-development initiatives for Country and Regional Offices to operationalize GCM implementation and integrate it into programmatic outputs.

Alison Talkers

Alison Talkers is the Programme Officer in the secretariat of the United Nations Network on Migration in Geneva, where her role focuses on liaising with country Networks to support governments, the UN system, and stakeholders to implement the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM). Prior to this, Alison worked with IOM, the UN Brussels Team, and United Nations Development Programme in Brussels, supporting liaison with the EU and the implementation of global programmes focused on migration and development. Alison also worked along the U.S./Mexico border providing legal services to undocumented migrants. Alison holds an MA in International Migration with a focus on Human Rights Law from the Brussels School of International Studies, and a BA in Political Science and International Studies from Saint Louis University.

Laurel Townhead

Laurel Townhead is the Human Rights and Refugees Representative for the Quaker United Nations Office (Geneva). She is an advocate, analyst and facilitator with 20 years’ experience working for stronger human rights standards and implementation at national and international levels with a current focus on human rights-based migration governance.

Contact the team

The Facilitation team, co-led by IOM and UNDP, can be contacted here


*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).