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Cities Alliance Global Programme on Cities and Migration: Supporting Secondary Cities in Latin America, Africa, and Asia

Building onto the first phase of the Global Programme, Cities Alliance commits to further support secondary cities in Latin America, Africa, and Asia to improve service delivery for migrants, refugees, and IDPs. This work is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Between 2022 and 2026, the Programme will support secondary cities with high numbers of migrants and displaced populations:

Arua, Jinja, and Koboko in Uganda

Adama and Jigjiga in Ethiopia

Medenine, Tataouine, and Kairouan in Tunisia

San Marcos and Amatitlan in Guatemala

Towns and cities along the Urban Mekong Corridor in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam

The programme will provide:

Technical support to effectively plan for expected urban expansion within the coming 30 years.

Technical and financial support to improve service delivery and creation of job opportunities for migrants, refugees, and IDPs.

Peer learning and advocacy support, including the establishment of a regional network for dialogue in the Horn of Africa.

The programme hereby builds capacity of secondary cities, contributing to better planned and more inclusive urban planning and service delivery. It also helps ensure that perspectives and realities of secondary cities on migration and displacement are understood nationally, regionally and internationally.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).