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Develop Migration Hubs in selected partner countries

Germany commits to work towards the goal of expanding its Advisory Centres on Jobs, Migration and Reintegration that are currently in place in 12 partner countries into Migration Hubs that follow a 360 degree-approach on migration. These Hubs will i.a. enhance current advisory services on regular migration by cooperating with the German Federal Employment Agency in order to identify skilled workers interested in migration that match the needs of the German labour market. The Migration Hubs will be open to cooperation with other interested EU partners and could extend advisory services to migration and mobility pathways to other EU Member States including advising on avenues for regular migration, support in acquisition of skills for employment, information about risks of irregular migration, as well as support for sustainable reintegration of returnees.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).