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Ensuring the participation of migrants in migration management and their social inclusion through the establishment of the Migrant Council under State Migration Service of Azerbaijan


One of the important directions of Azerbaijan's migration policy is to apply a whole-of-society approach in addressing various aspects of migration and to encourage the involvement of all stakeholders in this process. Azerbaijan has already involved two of the main actors of society by establishing the Public Council under the State Migration Service, represented by members of civil society organizations in 2015, and the Advisory Board under State Migration Service, represented by members of the private sector in 2018.

To more actively involve migrants in the migration management of Azerbaijan, to create favourable conditions for the social integration of migrants, as well as to assess the impact of migration policies and procedures on foreigners, Azerbaijan pledges to establish the Migrant Council under the State Migration Service.

The Migrant Council will consist of migrants who have close contact with the migrant communities and diaspora organizations of their countries of origin, have lived in Azerbaijan for a long time, and are socially active. The Council will have the right to gather regularly, to make proposals on migration procedures and to deliver the challenges faced by migrants in different areas of social life.


In March 2022, the Migrant Council under the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan was established. Currently, the Council consists of 8 foreigners who were selected among foreigners and stateless persons who applied to the State Migration Service based on a number of criteria, such as long-term residence in the territory of Azerbaijan, having close contacts with communities of their country and diaspora organizations operating in Azerbaijan, as well as their other social activities. The Council have advisory status under the State Migration Service. The members of the Council were elected by the Working Group of the Migrants Council of the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan, consisting of relevant representatives of the State Migration Service and established to facilitate the activities of the Council. The Chairman of the Council is elected by a simple majority vote of the members of the Council.

The Council promotes an open dialogue between migrants and public officials to bridge the gap between decision-makers and those affected by their decisions. Regular consultations and conversations with the Council can ensure that the government is better informed about the needs of the migrants. On October 05, 2022, and March 15, 2023, two meetings of the Migrant Council were organized, at which an exchange of views was held on the problems faced by migrants in Azerbaijan and other issues of interest. The Council State Migration Service has received dozens of applications from migrants. Through members of the Council, migrants are involved in the preparation of policy documents related to migration management in Azerbaijan. In addition, Council members are directly involved in projects and activities in the field of migration and thus play an important role in determining the future direction of migration management in the country.



  • Yet to Start
  • In Progress
  • Completed

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).