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Eurocities’ Integrating Cities Process: A Framework for Building Capacity on Migration and Integration

Eurocities commits to deliver its "Integrating Cities Process"; securing commitments form European cities to integrate migrants and refugees and conducting an assessment of those commitments every two years.

The Integrating Cities Process is Eurocities’ framework for our work on migration and integration. Local authorities are part of the Process through their pledges on the Integrating Cities Charter.

Every two years, Eurocities assess cities’ progress against the Integrating Cities Charter. The last assessment report, published in December 2022, shows that Europe has faced multiple crises, the effects of which have often played out at the local level. Cities have had to respond quickly to the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and its socio-economic impact and, most recently, the Russian invasion and ensuing war in Ukraine, leading to record numbers of refugees seeking protection in neighbouring countries and further afield. Nonetheless, cities pledge to continue their efforts to integrate migrants and refugees, and to embrace the diversity of their populations that is already a reality in cities across Europe.

Eurocities will continue capacity building of local governments to better understand the needs and challenges of migrants and refugees, and to develop approaches that facilitate their access to services and furthers their inclusion.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).