Expanding Welcoming Week Across the Globe and Fostering Belonging for All - No Matter Where We Come From | United Nations Network on Migration Skip to main content
Expanding Welcoming Week Across the Globe and Fostering Belonging for All - No Matter Where We Come From
Welcoming America commits to deliver its annual Welcoming Week campaign and to expand that campaign in 2024. Welcoming Week provides institutions and individuals the opportunity to showcase their values through initiatives that foster connections between migrants and non-migrants, as well as belonging for all. Started in 2020, Welcoming America supports the expansion of Welcoming Week globally and provides a toolkit, technical assistance, peer learning, campaign assets, and/or financial resources to additional implementing organizations – both national governments and civil society – to launch Welcoming Week in their countries.
Local and regional governments, NGOs, migrant and refugee-led organizations, local businesses and others participate by hosting events (670 in 2023) and engaging on social and traditional media.
Principal objectives include:
Bring neighbors together - migrant, refugee, and non-migrant - to build connections.
Celebrate ongoing local multi-sector inclusionary efforts.
Affirm the importance of “welcoming communities” in achieving collective prosperity.
Engage new stakeholders through accessible events that lead to longer-term commitments.
Affect the public narrative on migration to be more positive and hopeful.
We commit to:
Increase Welcoming Week events in the following years.
Activate a new Welcoming Week campaign in an additional country in 2024.
*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).