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Government of Moldova


In adopting the GCM, the Republic of Moldova committed to fulfilling the relevant objectives and commitments outlined in the Compact. Moldova has already distinguished itself in the context of the GCM by preparing and presenting two reports on the progress of the implementation of the GCM in 2020 and 2022.

While Moldova has already been recognized and appreciated globally for the importance of its diaspora in the country's development, there remains a scarcity of data on multitude of ways the transnational / diaspora communities make to sustainable development. This lack of data has had a direct impact on the country’s ability to develop evidence-based policies. To address this and systematically capture, recognize and valorise the socio-economic contributions of the compatriots abroad in various sectors and to support evidence-based policy development and implementation, Republic of Moldova is pledging to deploy several innovative data collection initiatives which will:

i. assess the diaspora economic impact through investment, trade, tourism, and philanthropic donations, going beyond remittances, by designing innovative tools to systematically collect data on contributions of transnational communities to sustainable development;

ii. collect and analyse evidence on the migration, environment and climate nexus by conducting an in-depth policy mapping and a study on migration, environment and climate change nexus in Moldova to guide policy development and direct migrants’ resources to climate change adaptation in the home country;

iii. develop an updated analysis of profile of various categories of migrants, diaspora communities and their engagement potential, skills and needs profile, the impacts that migration and remittances have on the communities left behind;

iv. apply international methodology for estimating international migration and the number of populations with usual residency in Republic of Moldova based on international border crossing data;

v. apply an innovative methodology for forecasting labour migration as a strategic planning and policy development tool.

The expected outcomes of the above-mentioned innovative interventions will support the pursuit of long-term vision on valorising migration for the country’s development with a view to advancing evidence-based policy making and implementation as a contribution to the forward-looking activities spearheaded by the Republic of Moldova under the Global Compact for Migration.

The country is pledging to advance the following action-oriented priorities:

i. developing the new GCM-aligned Moldovan strategic and policy framework on migration and asylum;

ii. finalising the development of a GCM-aligned National Program for Re/integration of Returning migrants;

iii. mainstreaming migration in the National and sectoral Climate Change Adaptation policies and

iv. digitalizing the public services to promote people-centred public services for migrants and diaspora.


The country has made decisive progress under three of the four commitments – basically achieving them in full:

i. developing the new GCM-aligned Moldovan strategic and policy framework on migration and asylum;

Moldovan Government developed and adopted the new Migration and Asylum Program 2022-2025 (with IOM support; doc is attached). The Programme is a medium-term public policy document and is based on international treaties to which the Republic of Moldova is a party. The Programme aligns with the priorities and objectives of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, as well as with the objectives of the Global Compact on Refugees, promoting international cooperation by defining guiding principles and providing a multilateral policy framework. The Programme is aligned with the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs).

ii. finalising the development of a GCM-aligned National Program for Re/integration of Returning migrants;

The Government approved on 30 October 2023 the "National program to stimulate returns and facilitate the (re)integration of citizens of the Republic of Moldova involved in the migration process for the years 2023-2027", a policy document developed with the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Through the Program, the authorities aim to support citizens who decide to return to the Republic of Moldova, to identify solutions for the problems they face during the return process and to provide the necessary support for employment on the labor market. Access to medical, social, and educational services for returnees is also to be facilitated. At the same time, according to the approved document, the launch of the businesses of the returned persons will be supported and the experience of the diaspora will be capitalized, which can contribute to the modernization of the country and its economic development.

iii. mainstreaming migration in the National and sectoral Climate Change Adaptation policies

The Government of the Republic of Moldova adopted the National Climate Change Adaptation Program until 2030 and the Action Plan for its implementation[1] on 30th August 2023. This national document incorporates input on migration, environment, and change nexus submitted by IOM. The draft National Strategy for Agricultural and Rural Development 2023-2030, which is currently being reviewed by the government entities, also includes input on migration, environment, and change nexus submitted by IOM. These two documents constitute the Second NAP of Moldova. This contributes to the implementation of the recommendations of the Task Force on Displacement (TFD) of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM) of the UNFCCC.  Based on this experience and in parallel, - IOM jointly with the University of Vienna has developed an advanced version of the guidance document titled “Addressing Human Mobility-Related Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of Climate Change: A Supplement to the UNFCCC Technical Guidelines on the National Adaptation Plan Process”. The Supplement is also relevant regionally and globally, to support other government to mainstream Human Mobility in national planning of climate adaptation process.

  • Yet to Start
  • In Progress
  • Completed

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).