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Laguna Province Establishes a One Stop Migration Resource Center

Laguna Province establishes a “One Stop Migration Resource Center”, which serves as the hub for information and support to Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and their families.

Laguna Province is one of the principal points of departure in the Philippines for OFWs. The top five country destinations for OFWs are the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, and Australia. Oversea s workers are often burdened with the feeling of homesickness, lack of inclusion, and specific health implications. Many face problems with regard to their contract, claims, and benefits. Returning migrants have often faced abuse and exploitation and can find themselves estranged from their family at home, and families left behind are often experiencing the social cost of migration such as estranged relationships, and negligence of the children.

The One Stop Migration Resource Center serves as the hub for migrants and their families to access to information with the aim to prevent human trafficking and help with the reintegration of returning migrants into their home communities. It offers economic opportunities, provides specific trainings for both departing and returning migrants, and ensures psychosocial support for migrants and their families. Lastly, the Center supports and complements the efforts of local governments and other partners and provides a space for discussion and capacity building of stakeholders working with migrants.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).