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Montréal Inclusive au Travail 2022-2024 (Montréal Inclusive at Work) Initiative: Promoting Migrant and Refugee Integration Through a City-Led Podcast

Montréal deepens its commitment to implement the "Montréal Inclusive au Travail 2022-2024 (Montréal Inclusive at Work) initiative, first pledged to the Call to Local Action in 2022, by launching a podcast - “Biais d’Entrée” (Entry Bias). The podcast aims to support Montréal companies in developing effective welcoming strategies for migrants and refugees and making their companies more diverse and inclusive.

To be available in two seasons, the podcast equips business executives and talent acquisition specialists with knowledge and tools to strengthen corporate capabilities in the hiring, integration, retention and advancement of newcomers. Through the reflections of experts, the real-life experiences of entrepreneurs, and the testimonials of newcomers, the podcast identifies the obstacles to integrating newcomers and offers concrete solutions to include them in the job market in positions commensurate with their skills. It encourages companies to make significant, concrete changes to their organizational culture, and to accelerate the pace of such changes. It also combats discrimination and barriers experienced by newcomers, and promotes their socio-economic contribution.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).