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Promote enhanced border security and interoperability and integration of BMISs 


Reference is made to Objective 11 of the GCM and the commitment to manage our national borders in a coordinated manner, promoting bilateral and regional cooperation, ensuring security for States, communities and migrants, and facilitating safe and regular cross-border movements of people while preventing irregular migration.

Border security is a key priority for GOI and as such we remain committed to engage on technical cooperation with international partners to develop capacities relevant to travelers’ screening, biometrics, risk and trends analysis for the strengthening of the ID management and border security architecture. Given the number of agencies and government institutions required to ensure consistency and systems’ interoperability, working through inter-agency cooperation will be prioritized through the establishment of joint committees and platforms as needed. We will seek opportunities for enhancing regional and international cooperation on these subjects by also engaging on thematic dialogues and workshops.


LAST UPDATED: 21/ 02/ 2024

To promote enhanced border security and border management, IOM has helped us by providing the MIDAS system which is helping us to increase the control of the border, the support includes providing equipment and specialized training on the MIDAS system for better control and registration and identification of irregular migrants.

Also, IOM has provided us with specialized equipment to increase the surveillance of the border including thermal cameras and communication devices at the southern borders with Iran and Syria. 
on legal identity, IOM has provided us with equipment that increased the Iraqi unified ID delivery for Iraq nationals, by providing equipment that resulted in decreasing the time of ID registration, and the time needed for ID printing, on the same matter our officers who are working IOM have received multiball training on identity management and document examination.


*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).