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Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for the Spanish Coast

Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for the Spanish Coast

Climate Change
Year of publication
Specific thematic area
Climate adaptation and/or mitigation
Sector of governance
Climate change
Type of human mobility
Migration, Relocation
Characteristics of human mobility
Type of environmental driver
Climate Change
Local governance marker
Not Available
Southern Europe
Southern Europe
Author/issuing body
Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery, Food, and Environment
Relevant GCM objective
    GCM Objective 2 - Minimize adverse drivers
Child marker
Gender marker
Human rights marker


Ps.63, 84

''Al considerar otras distancias, como 2 ó 5 km se observa en ciertas zonas que las urbanizaciones, infraestructuras, etc migran hacia el interior debido a la colmatación de esta primera franja, lo que a su vez es corroborado por la ocupación dispersa, incremento de vías de acceso y creación de campos de golf y servicios turísticos no solo en la franja inmediatamente limítrofe con el mar (Observatorio de la Sostenibilidad en España 2011).''

Ps.63, 84

Acomodación; protocolos de evacuación; retroceso; relocalización; diversificación de actividades en zonas costeras; cambios en prácticas agrícolas y ganaderas.

Ps.63, 84

''When considering other distances, such as 2 or 5 km, it is observed in certain areas that urbanizations, infrastructures, etc. migrate inland due to the clogging of this first strip, which in turn is corroborated by the dispersed occupation, increased of access roads and creation of golf courses and tourist services not only in the strip immediately bordering the sea (Observatory of Sustainability in Spain 2011).''

Ps.63, 84

Accommodation; evacuation protocols; retreat; relocation; diversification of activities in coastal areas; changes in agricultural and livestock practices.

Ps.63, 84

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).