“Hamutuk Hari’i Futuru” A National Recovery Strategy
- GCM Objective 2 - Minimize adverse drivers
Considering the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement and the recommendations that resulted from the Government Retreat on the Establishment of a Framework for Action to Address the IDP Issues IDPs, which was Chaired by the Vice Prime-minister; (...). QUOTE 0 To establish a concerted ‘All of Government’ approach to address the range of issues, including: social, physical, legal, economic, security and political that combine to create obstacles to the resettlement of those who have been displaced. QUOTE 0 To meet both the needs of those who have been displaced and the wider needs of affected communities throughout the country. QUOTE 0 To provide IDPs a variety of viable options that allow for their durable return or resettlement with due respect for their rights and dignity respecting the international standards established with the context of the guiding principles on internal displacement. QUOTE 0 Many have been displaced by violence or fear of violence during the Crisis, and still fear reprisals in the event that they leave the perceived security of the camp. QUOTE 0 Create a response to vulnerability among the population attributing due attention to the specific necessities of internal displaced. QUOTE 0 Create livelihood opportunities throughout the country that have short, medium and long term benefits for communities and their members, including special attention to the promotion of economic activities that contribute to the reintegration of displaced persons. QUOTE 0 Increase trust between the people and the government and to strengthen communities guaranteeing the participation of the displaced in the planning and management of initiatives for the promotion of return, resettlement and reintegration.