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Kiribati Joint Implementation Plan for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management

Kiribati Joint Implementation Plan for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management

Climate Change
Year of publication
Specific thematic area
Climate adaptation and/or mitigation
Sector of governance
Climate change
Type of human mobility
Displacement, Relocated
Characteristics of human mobility
Internal, Cross-border
Type of environmental driver
Floods, Sea level rise, Drought, Heatwaves, Storms
Local governance marker
Not Available
Regional instruments Member countries
Relevant GCM objective
    2 - Minimize adverse drivers
Child marker
Gender marker
Human rights marker

The limited employment opportunities within the country have, however, forced skilled nationals to migrate abroad in search of jobs (Mendani & Mario, 2008). Youth unemployment or underemployment is particularly high, at 67 per cent for those aged 15–24—more than double the rate of the broader Kiribati population (Census 2015). p. 26

Ps. 26, 44, 56, 58, 137

A high population and growth rate on South Tarawa in the Gilbert Group (50,182 inhabitants with a population density of 3,184 persons per square kilometre) as well as on Kiritimati in the Line Islands Group (10,503 inhabitants) (GoK, 2015), which is due to: a high relative proportion of children and youth; high levels of fertility; low rates of contraceptive use; and disparities between the different islands of Kiribati (resulting in internal migration, displacement, and urbanisation) (GoK, 2012c; KNSO, 2015). p. 44

Ps. 26, 44, 56, 58, 137

Sensitivity and impacts - agriculture and food security. Sensitivity: Urban migration p. 56

Ps. 26, 44, 56, 58, 137

Observed and potential impacts: School infraestructure might have to be relocated due to coastal erosion and retrofitted to withstand harsher conditions suchs as droughts, heavy rain or heavy storms p. 58

Ps. 26, 44, 56, 58, 137

1) In alignment with the national programme of school upgrades, retrofit school infrastructure where required to withstand extreme weather events (climate proofing) and relocate if required. p. 137

Ps. 26, 44, 56, 58, 137

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).