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Human Mobility
Year of publication
Specific thematic area
Sector of governance
Human Mobility
Type of human mobility
Displacement, Migration
Characteristics of human mobility
Type of environmental driver
Disaster-related events, Generic references to climate climate change
Local governance marker
Not Available
South America
South America
Relevant GCM objective
    5 - Regular pathways
Child marker
Not Available
Gender marker
Not Available
Human rights marker
Not Available

“Razones humanitarias”, entendidas como “1. Necesidad de protección internacional santificada por el principio de no retorno; [o] 2. Víctima de trata y tráfico de personas u otras formas de explotación; [o] 3. Acompañamiento de una persona enferma que requiere tratamiento médico / [...] afluencia masiva, o riesgo inminente de afluencia masiva, al país de personas necesitadas de protección internacional (Ley 251).

Arts. 4(16), 13(II)(e), 30(4), 9(I)(d), 21(I)(6), 65

Migrante climático: Grupos de personas que se ven obligadas a desplazarse de un Estado a otro por efectos climáticos, cuando existe riesgo o amenaza a su vida, sea por causas naturales, desastres medioambientales, nucleares, químicos o hambruna.”

Arts. 4(16), 13(II)(e), 30(4), 9(I)(d), 21(I)(6), 65

El Consejo Nacional de Migración promoverá la suscripción de convenios y acuerdos internacionales en temas de cambio climático y medioambiental con los diferentes Estados, para la protección de bolivianas y bolivianos afectados; asimismo, coordinará las políticas públicas que viabilicen, de ser necesario, la admisión de poblaciones desplazadas por efectos climáticos, cuando exista riesgo o amenaza a la vida, y sean por causas naturales o desastres medioambientales, nucleares, químicos o hambruna.

Arts. 4(16), 13(II)(e), 30(4), 9(I)(d), 21(I)(6), 65

Humanitarian reasons, understood as 1. Need for international protection sanctified by the principle of non-return; [or] 2. Victim of trafficking and smuggling of persons or other modes of exploitation; [or] 3. Accompanying a sick person that requires medical treatment / [...] mass influx, or imminent risk of mass influx, to the country by persons needing international protection (Ley 251).

Arts. 4(16), 13(II)(e), 30(4), 9(I)(d), 21(I)(6), 65

Climate migrant: Groups of people who are forced to move from one State to another due to climatic effects, when there is a risk or threat to their lives, whether due to natural causes, environmental, nuclear, chemical disasters or famine.”

Arts. 4(16), 13(II)(e), 30(4), 9(I)(d), 21(I)(6), 65

The National Migration Council will promote the signing of international conventions and agreements on climate and environmental change issues with the different States, for the protection of affected Bolivians; likewise, it will coordinate public policies that make possible, if necessary, the admission of populations displaced by climatic effects, when there is risk or threat to life, and due to natural causes or environmental, nuclear, chemical or famine disasters.

Arts. 4(16), 13(II)(e), 30(4), 9(I)(d), 21(I)(6), 65

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).