National Action Program for Combating Desertification and Natural Resources Management
- GCM Objective 2 - Minimize adverse drivers
Facing with major challenges posed by the satisfaction of basic needs of the population, the Government designed in 1992, a National Population Policy whose objective is to achieve a control of population growth and migratory flows in order to adjust them to an economic development conditions aiming at a substantial qualitative improvement of standards of living namely in rural area. [...] Rural in its majority, this population tempts to combat drought and desertification effects by developing survival strategies through intra-regional, inter-regional (from North to south), and transboundary migrations (Diffa and Tahoua regions cases), the production systems diversification (anti-risks systems), the livestock, land and natural resources decapitalization (wood and straw commercial exploitation). Despite its predominant role in demographic dynamic of some regions, migration, whose extent is unrecognized, constitutes in other respects an important factor of populations concentration in the southern zone in the south to of the 16th parallel on about on quarter of the total surface area of the country.