National Plan for Adaptation to the Impacts of Climate Change
- GCM Objective 2 - Minimize adverse drivers
Cooperate with regional evacuation arrangements by offering information about high-risk areas,designated as Mountain Disaster Danger Zones (MDDZ), and implement effective projects toward disaster risk reduction.
Regarding natural hazards that exceed the capacity of facilities, endeavor to reduce risk by making improvements in facilities’ operations, design and implementation procedures; promote urban and local development in ways that consider disaster risk reduction; and endeavor to enhance preparedness for actions such as evacuations, emergency operations, and business continuity. Also, regarding promotion of measures concerning aspects such as urban design and evacuations, based on inundation scenarios for various natural hazards, promote measures with stakeholders such as local governments, businesses, and residents having an awareness of what kinds of damage can occur.
In order to consider measures that include worst-case scenarios, target the largest magnitude natural hazards conceivable in the inundation risk zones, and target not only inundation from flood but also inland water and storm surges. When doing so, provide information not only on depth of inundation but also duration, as required, to enable local governments, businesses, governing bodies, and residents to consider evacuation and other actions.
Regarding natural hazards that exceed the capacity of facilities, endeavor to reduce risk by making improvements in facilities’ operations, design and implementation procedures; promote urban and local development in ways that consider disaster risk reduction; and endeavor to enhance preparedness for actions such as appropriate evacuations, smooth emergency operations, and business continuity.
In order to contribute to smooth and rapid evacuations, endeavor to identify and secure evacuation sites and routes, making use of facilities such as river management facilities, including levees and river disaster prevention stations.
Consider designs of levees that can delay collapse and ensure the greatest amount of time possible for evacuation and other actions, including the perspective of improving the reliability of levees that have already been constructed.
Promote measures against inundation and secure evacuation of underground spaces, in order to prevent inundation of important underground facilities and secure time to evacuate from underground spaces, such as the installation of water stop boards by facilities managers and appropriate guidance for evacuation from underground facilities.
Regarding hazard maps, endeavor to ensure the displayed information is easy for residents and others to understand, and in the streets, promote the installation of signs that indicate information such as the expected depth of inundation, the location’s elevation, the direction of evacuation, and the name and distance to an evacuation area.
Formulate plans relating to evacuation for businesses and other entities on water-side areas and residents on the land side, and promote actions, including the implementation of trainings In addition, on water-side areas, make an effort to coordinate evacuations and operational rules for land locks (formulated by coastal management authorities), to support smooth evacuation actions by users and other. Quote 1Formulate plans relating to evacuation for businesses and other entities on water-side areas and residents on the land side, and promote actions, including the implementation of trainings In addition, on water-side areas, make an effort to coordinate evacuations and operational rules for land locks (formulated by coastal management authorities), tosupport smooth evacuation actions by users and other. Quote 1Consider how to achieve the use of privately-owned facilities (e.g., parapet walls, sheds, warehouses, and green spaces) for evacuation and as facilities to prevent or reduce the incursion of seawater. Quote 1...and also, develop non-material measures such as timely information transmission to support appropriate evacuation from storm surges and other events. Quote 1... increases in sediment-related disasters involving short lead times and evacuation due to sudden and localized torrential rainfall events... Quote 1In addition, endeavor to improve and strengthen warning and evacuation systems through actions such as the provision of support for the formulation of hazard maps and disasters prevention action plans... Quote 1Endeavor to disseminate accurate information about sediment-related disasters, through hands-on disaster prevention trainings and disaster prevention educations, in order to ensure adequate awareness about such matters as dangerous locations, refuge locations, and directions to move and to ensure that the residents can evacuate immediately. Quote 1...promote the preparation of disaster evacuation support plans for tourism and accommodation facilities... Quote 1In addition, recognizing the need to promote the signing of agreements regarding the utilization of accommodation facilities as evacuation centers during times of disaster, reach out to disaster risk reduction departments of local governments, in cooperation with the relevant government ministries and agencies.