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Peru's National Communication to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change

Peru's National Communication to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change

Climate Change
Year of publication
Specific thematic area
Climate adaptation and/or mitigation
Sector of governance
Climate change
Type of human mobility
Characteristics of human mobility
Type of environmental driver
Generic references to climate climate change
Local governance marker
Not Available
South America
South America
Relevant GCM objective
    GCM Objective 2 - Minimize adverse drivers
Child marker
Not Available
Gender marker
Not Available
Human rights marker
Not Available

En los años ochenta el terrorismo fue un importante factor de migración de la sierra hacia la costa. Miles de campesinos provenientes de los departamentos de Ayacucho, Huancavelica y Apurímacmigraron a las principales ciudades de la costa para huir de la ola de violencia generada en la sierra. Otro factor relevante fue el empobrecimiento de las zonas rurales. La actual tendencia migratoria sugiere que la población de la sierra continuará trasladándose hacia la costa y la selva, regiones que soportarán la presión poblacional durante los próximos años.

In the 1980s, terrorism was an important factor in migration from the mountains to the coast. Thousands of peasants from the departments of Ayacucho, Huancavelica, and Apurímac migrated to the main coastal cities to flee the wave of violence generated in the sierra. Another relevant factor was the impoverishment of rural areas. The current migratory trend suggests that the population of the sierra will continue to move towards the coast and the jungle, regions that will bear population pressure in the coming years.

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).