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Third National Communication of Senegal to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Third National Communication of Senegal to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Climate Change
Year of publication
Specific thematic area
Climate adaptation and/or mitigation
Sector of governance
Climate change
Type of human mobility
Characteristics of human mobility
Type of environmental driver
Environmental degradation
Local governance marker
Not Available
Western Africa
Western Africa
Author/issuing body
Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
Relevant GCM objective
    GCM Objective 2 - Minimize adverse drivers
Child marker
Not Available
Gender marker
Not Available
Human rights marker
Not Available


P. 176

Projet de restauration des terres rizicoles salées pour l’extension des emblavures: La migration sera réduite en raison de l'attrait des technologies proposées et des opportunités du projet. La restauration de la fertilité des sols par les haies vives et le boisement/reboisement stimulera la production agricole, l'amélioration du niveau d’appropriation de l’agroforesterie, grâce à une approche permettant une meilleure prise de conscience des agriculteurs de la dégradation de l'écosystème et la nécessité de sa remise en état. Ainsi, le projet permettra de créer les conditions pour: -la réduction de la vulnérabilité sociale et environnementale, et une meilleure adaptation des communautés aux changements climatiques. TRANSLATION:

P. 176

Salted Rice Land Restoration Project for Planting Expansion: Migration will be reduced due to the attractiveness of the proposed technologies and project opportunities. Restoration of soil fertility through live fences and afforestation/reforestation will stimulate agricultural production, improving the level of appropriation of agroforestry, thanks to an approach allowing a better awareness of farmers of the degradation of the ecosystem and the need for its restoration. will create the conditions for: - the reduction of social and environmental vulnerability, and better adaptation of communities to climate change.

P. 176

*References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).